By Height By Weight  

What does a 57 kg person look like?

431 curated photos from around the internet to give you a better idea of what 57 kilograms looks like.

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight gain from 125 pounds to 173 pounds. A total gain of 48 pounds.

A Reddit User's Weight Journey: Gaining 48 Pounds in 18 Months

Weight Before
57 Kg
178 cm
25 / 18
A before and after photo of a 5'5" female showing a weight cut from 170 pounds to 125 pounds. A respectable loss of 45 pounds.

From 170Lbs to 125Lbs: a Year Long Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
57 Kg
165 cm
21 / 28
A picture of a 5'4" female showing a fat loss from 125 pounds to 117 pounds. A total loss of 8 pounds.

Losing 8 Lbs with 30 Day Shred Progress Pics on Reddit

Weight Before
57 Kg
163 cm
20 / 21
A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a weight loss from 151 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 26 pounds.

Overcoming Perception: One User's Journey From 151 Lbs to 125 Lbs

Weight After
57 Kg
168 cm
20 / 24
A before and after photo of a 5'3" female showing a weight reduction from 155 pounds to 125 pounds. A total loss of 30 pounds.

From 155 to 125: a Long and Challenging Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
57 Kg
158 cm
23 / 28
A picture of a 5'4" female showing a weight loss from 185 pounds to 125 pounds. A respectable loss of 60 pounds.

F/25/5'4 Progress Pic: 60Lbs Lost in 11 Months!

Weight After
57 Kg
160 cm
22 / 33
A before and after photo of a 5'8" female showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 65 pounds.

From 190Lbs to 125Lbs in 1 Year: a Reddit User’s Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
57 Kg
173 cm
19 / 29
A picture of a 5'6" male showing a weight loss from 310 pounds to 125 pounds. A total loss of 185 pounds.

From Obesity to Fitness: One User's Journey From 310 Lbs to 125 Lbs

Weight After
57 Kg
168 cm
20 / 50
A before and after photo of a 5'4" female showing a weight reduction from 165 pounds to 125 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.

F/20/5'4 Lost 40 Lbs in 6 Months!

Weight After
57 Kg
160 cm
22 / 29
A picture of a 5'3" male showing a weight loss from 230 pounds to 125 pounds. A respectable loss of 105 pounds.

Man Loses 105Lbs in 30 Months with Keto & Psmf Diet and Exercise

Weight After
57 Kg
158 cm
23 / 42
A progress pic of a 5'0" woman showing a weight reduction from 158 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 33 pounds.

A Reddit User's Successful 33 Pound Weight Loss Journey in 6 Months

Weight After
57 Kg
152 cm
25 / 31
A progress pic of a 5'8" woman showing a weight gain from 105 pounds to 125 pounds. A net gain of 20 pounds.

F/20/5'8 [105Lbs > 125Lbs = 20Lbs] (2 Years) Don't Know if You Guys Appreciate Progress in the Other Direction.. Recovering From an Eating Disorder Is Hard, but Worth It! Recovering From an Eating Disorder: One Woman's Progress

Weight After
57 Kg
173 cm
19 / 16
A before and after photo of a 5'8" female showing a weight reduction from 209 pounds to 126 pounds. A respectable loss of 83 pounds.

From 209Lbs to 126Lbs: a 2 Year Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
57 Kg
170 cm
20 / 33
A before and after photo of a 5'0" female showing a weight cut from 136 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 11 pounds.

User's Weight Loss Journey: 11 Lbs in 40 Days with Just Jogging and Diet Changes

Weight After
57 Kg
152 cm
25 / 27
A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 175 pounds to 125 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.

F/31/5'5 [175>125=50Lbs] (11 Months) Achieving New Years Resolutions with Hard Work and Dedication!

Weight After
57 Kg
163 cm
21 / 30
A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a fat loss from 225 pounds to 125 pounds. A respectable loss of 100 pounds.

From 225Lbs to 125Lbs in 18 Months: a Reddit User's Journey to Fitness

Weight After
57 Kg
175 cm
19 / 33