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User's Weight Loss Journey: 11 Lbs in 40 Days with Just Jogging and Diet Changes

Discover how a Reddit user, SnugBunnu, lost 11 lbs in just 40 days with minor changes to her diet and exercise. Get inspired to initiate your own weight loss journey by focusing on achievable, sustainable lifestyle changes.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'0" female showing a weight cut from 136 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 11 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 5'0" female showing a weight cut from 136 pounds to 125 pounds. A net loss of 11 pounds.
F/16/5'0 [136>125= 11lbs] (40 days) Just jogging every other day and fixing my diet, didn't even notice a difference until I looked at this picture from February!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


SnugBunnu, a 16-year-old woman on Reddit, began her 40-day weight loss journey without realizing any significant changes until she looked at a picture from February. In just 40 days, she lost 11 lbs by incorporating minor, sustainable lifestyle changes and jogging every other day!

Diet Changes

SnugBunnu's initial diet revamp involved focusing on overall calorie intake and replacing high-calorie snacks with healthier options such as almonds and carrots. Additionally, she avoided late-night snacking by evaluating her hunger levels and opting for smaller, more frequent meals during the day instead of three large meals.

Exercise Routine

Incorporating regular exercise into one’s daily routine is key for creating a healthy lifestyle. SnugBunnu began by committing to jogging 4-5 days a week for at least 30 minutes. Jogging allowed her to burn off calories while also strengthening her muscles, increasing endurance, and improving her overall mood.

Progress and Results

SnugBunnu's experience of not noticing any significant changes until viewing a picture from February highlights that the progress of sustainable lifestyle changes is often gradual. The importance of recognizing small improvements, such as increased energy levels and improved mood, is essential for maintaining motivation to sustain healthy habits.


SnugBunnu's weight loss journey is a testament to the power of making small, sustainable changes that gradually lead to impactful results. This journey demonstrates that weight loss is not a quick process, but a lifestyle transformation that requires physical and mental discipline. We encourage readers to take inspiration from SnugBunnu's journey and create their own healthier lifestyles, emphasizing sustainable changes in eating habits and regular exercise.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.