NewbieGainer101 is a 16-year-old boy who increased weight from 153lbs to 178lbs within three months. He shared his journey on Reddit, providing an insight into his workout regimen, food intake, and use of supplements.
Exercise Routine
NewbieGainer101 had been following a strength training program for a year before initiating the bulk. In the last three months, he reported that his lifting numbers improved significantly, with a one-rep max at 235lbs for bench press, 315lbs for deadlift, and 285lbs for squat.
Weight-Gainer Supplement
NewbieGainer101 admitted that his diet was not adequate enough to put on weight quickly, but he improved the situation by using Mutant Mass powder as a weight-gainer supplement. He consumed one serving daily, which equated to around 1,400 calories, in addition to a regular food intake of over 2,000 calories. This brought his daily calorie intake to a massive 3,000+ calories.
Healthy Approach
NewbieGainer101 reaffirmed the importance of a healthy approach while bulking. He emphasized that the surplus calories must come from nutritious foods and not junk food or unhealthy snacks. Furthermore, he advises beginners to follow a program for strength training, rather than jumping from one plan to another.
NewbieGainer101's inspiring journey highlights the significance of discipline, hard work, and patience. His main advice is to continue challenging oneself and trying out things that may work for every individual. As with any fitness journey, it is essential to combine the right workout regimen, diet, and nutritional supplements and consistently put in the hard work and persistence.