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What is bulking?

Bulking is a term used by bodybuilders, weightlifters, and fitness enthusiasts to describe a period of time during which they aim to gain weight and build muscle. The main purpose of bulking is to consume more calories than the body burns, which is known as a calorie surplus, in order to support muscle growth and improve overall strength.

How does bulking work?

During bulking, individuals engage in weightlifting or resistance training to stimulate muscle growth, while consuming an excess of calories to ensure the body has enough energy and nutrients to build muscle mass. This process typically involves a significant increase in protein intake, as well as the consumption of carbohydrates and fats to support physical activity and muscle recovery. By continuously challenging the muscles with weight training, and pairing it with the right nutrition, the body builds more muscle mass, gradually increasing overall weight and strength.

Strategies for bulking

There are various strategies for bulking, and the approach may differ based on goals, body type, and lifestyle factors.

  • Dirty bulking: a strategy where individuals consume large amounts of calories from any food source, often leading to excessive weight gain and reduced muscle definition.
  • Clean bulking: a strategy where individuals aim for a moderate calorie surplus while consuming nutrient-dense foods, to promote muscle growth while minimizing fat gain.
  • Lean bulking: a strategy that involves a smaller surplus of calories, which can be achieved by tweaking daily nutrition, while still enabling muscle growth with the right amount of exercise.

Related terms

There are a number of related terms that are sometimes used interchangeably or in conjunction with bulking:

  • Cutting: a phase after bulking where individuals aim to lose fat while retaining muscle mass or building some additional muscle.
  • Calorie surplus: consuming more calories than the body burns, a critical component of bulking.
  • Muscle hypertrophy: the growth and increase in size of muscle cells.
  • Body recomposition: a physiological process where individuals gain muscle mass while losing fat, often changing their body composition.

Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.