A 1.5 Year, 39Lb Weight Loss Journey: Compilation of Reddit User's Progress

Follow this Reddit user's weight loss journey chronicled in over a year and a half with a detailed workout routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

Published 2 years ago

Originally posted on /r/progresspics

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🔥 Weight Loss Progress

Starting Weight

Current Weight

BMI Change

29.4 → 24.1 5.3 point change

March 2013: Vegan Diet, Press-ups and Running

The user started with a vegan diet for breakfast and lunch and gradually added press-ups and running. He slowly increased the difficulty of press-ups, added basic weight routines, and purchased weights, a chin-up bar, and EZ curl bar. The user now regularly does pull-ups and chin-ups and is working towards muscle-ups.

December 2013: Basic 5x5 Workout at the Gym

After joining the gym in December 2013, the user did a basic 5x5 workout to gain strength over the winter. By January of the next year, he cut down to lower his weight to 175lb. The user then performed the 5/3/1 workout replacing the 5x5 he previously did to decrease the amount of recovery needed while keeping up with other activities such as skateboarding.

Mini Bulking and Cutting on 5/3/1

After reaching 175lb, the user did not want to feel small and opted for a mini bulk/cut to add muscle to maintain his weight. He continued to do the 5/3/1 workout with more weight, and he even started doing hill sprints on Wednesdays, a combination of 5/3/1 BBB and bodyweight training.

Current Routine and Accessory Program Goals

The user's current routine is a combination of jogging, regular weight training, and other forms of exercise. Fridays are dedicated to hip dips, where the user aims to increase weight on a pyramid set. The user plans to create a downhill skate/skateboard accessory program for the 5/3/1 workout to target specific muscles. The user is currently at 178lb with a few weeks left until holidays and music festivals.

Feedbacks and Motivation

The Reddit community praised the user's immense gains, complimenting his beard and current physique. The user's progress and detailed workout routine can serve as motivation and an inspiration for making changes to someone's weight loss journey as well. Try things out for yourself and see the progress you can make!

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