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How Reddit User Metagearliquid Lost 20 Pounds in 8 Months with a Low Carb Diet and Workout Routine

Learn how Reddit user MetaGearLiquid lost 20 pounds in 8 months with a rigorous workout routine and low-carb, high-protein diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight loss from 165 pounds to 145 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/23/5'9" [165>145 =~20] (~8 months) Posted my back progress a while ago, front progress after steadily cutting.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user MetaGearLiquid posted on their weight loss journey on r/progresspics and shared their back progress followed by their front progress after steadily cutting for 8 months. This article enumerates MetaGearLiquid's weight loss journey and their workout routine that consists of running everyday, lifting weights three times a week, and doing a core routine.

Running Everyday and Steadily Improving

Aside from their workout routine, Reddit user MetaGearLiquid attributes most of their weight loss to running -- progressing from running an 8-minute mile to two miles in just under 12 minutes over 8 months. Despite the challenge that running entails, MetaGearLiquid managed to remain consistent and run daily to achieve their weight loss goal.

Lifting Weights Every Other Day

Alongside their daily runs, Reddit user MetaGearLiquid lifts weights every other day with specific sets and reps for each body part. These include chest, arms, legs, lat, and shoulder exercises, each consisting of three sets of 10 reps with varying weights.

A High-Protein, Low-Carb Diet

In addition to the rigorous workout routine, MetaGearLiquid followed a high-protein, low-carb diet, consisting of chicken breast, vegetables, and the occasional carb-loading for extra energy. They also eat a protein bar 30 minutes to an hour before working out and drink two scoops of whey protein right after their workout to help with recovery.


Reddit user MetaGearLiquid's fitness journey shows that consistent exercise and a balanced diet are key to achieving weight loss. As with any fitness regimen, it takes time and dedication to see results. Endurance and the willingness to push through the challenges are vital to meeting any fitness goals. By taking a cue from MetaGearLiquid, anyone can create a personalized regimen and stick with it to achieve their fitness objectives.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.