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M/20/5'10" Weight Journey: 183Lbs to 156Lbs in 7 Months

Read the inspiring weight loss story of Fermented_Pizza_Roll's fitness journey from 183lbs to 156lbs in 7 months through weight lifting, cardio, and more.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a fat loss from 183 pounds to 156 pounds. A net loss of 27 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" male showing a fat loss from 183 pounds to 156 pounds. A net loss of 27 pounds.
M/20/5'10" [183lbs > 156lbs = 27lbs] Always been in to lifting weights but decided to slim down last fall. 7 months, still some work to be done :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Fermented_Pizza_Roll, a Reddit user, shares his inspiring weight loss journey of going from 183lbs to 156lbs in just 7 months. Despite being into weight-lifting, he decided to slim down last fall and started his fitness journey. This article will provide a detailed insight into his workout routine and strategies that helped him accomplish his goal.

Workout Routine

Fermented_Pizza_Roll followed a push, pull, and legs workout routine, varying between high and low reps, and incorporating a lot of cardio. This allowed him to build muscle and lose fat simultaneously. His consistency and dedication paid off as he eventually achieved his goal weight.

Results and Progress

Fermented_Pizza_Roll lost a total of 27lbs, from 183lbs to 156lbs, in 7 months. Despite his tremendous progress, he admits that there is still some work to be done. He is determined to lose 5-8 more pounds to reach his desired weight.

Takeaways and Lessons

This weight loss journey by Fermented_Pizza_Roll teaches us that discipline, consistency, and dedication are some of the fundamental pillars of fitness. He encourages others to try incorporating cardio, low and high rep workouts, and push, pull, and legs training to achieve their desired body goals. Ultimately, we should take inspiration from his weight loss journey and strive to make our health and fitness a top priority.


Fermented_Pizza_Roll's weight loss journey is a testament to the benefits of following a proper workout routine and staying committed to one's goals. His progress over the 7 months is something he should be proud of, but his story is not over. You too can embark on a similar weight loss journey by implementing the strategies and workout tips that worked for him. The key is to be consistent and dedicated, and you too will accomplish your fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.