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Progress of a Male User's Incredible Weight Loss Journey

Read about a young man's inspiring journey of losing over 35 pounds in 8.1 months, from 174lbs to 137lbs, with before and after pictures and fitness advice.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" male showing a weight loss from 174 pounds to 145 pounds. A respectable loss of 29 pounds.
M/29/5'7'' [174lbs > 145lbs > 137lbs] (8.1 months) Part 2 of my progress! Today marks the day I finally decided to be done with my 1st cutting phase! I was aiming for a flat 135lbs but I just couldn't go any further. Bulking phase starts today. Excited for my next progress pic!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A young male Reddit user, under the username gerdperez, has shared his impressive weight loss journey on the platform. Over a span of 8.1 months, he has lost over 35 pounds, bringing his weight down from 174lbs to 137lbs. He has recently completed his first cutting phase and has started his bulking phase. With over 177 upvotes, this post has clearly inspired many on the platform.

Before and After Photos

In his recent post, gerdperez shared his progress pictures, displaying his drastic weight loss. The pictures display a significant change in his physique, and it's easy to spot the hard work he has put into transforming his body in just over 8 months.

Fitness Regimen

Gerdperez attributes his incredible weight loss journey to a disciplined fitness regimen. He focused on strength training with compound exercises, along with cardio routines. He ensured that he was tracking his calories, macros, and was in a calorie deficit to achieve his weight loss goals. He also kept himself accountable by taking weekly progress pictures and tracking his body measurements.

Advice and Inspiration

Gerdperez's story is inspiring and relatable to many who want to kick-start their weight loss journey. He advises people to track their calories and macros, follow a workout routine, take progress pictures, and set realistic goals. He further adds that consistency is the key to success, and no progress is small progress. By making small changes to your lifestyle, anyone can achieve their fitness goals.


In conclusion, gerdperez's transformation journey is a testament to the power of dedication, consistency, and perseverance. His progress has inspired many to start their fitness journey and work towards a healthier lifestyle. With a disciplined fitness regimen, tracking calories, and macros, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. Gerdperez's journey is just one of the many examples that prove that hard work pays off, and achieving your dreams is possible with the right mindset and efforts.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.