By Height By Weight  

What does a 112kg, 177cm male look like?

129 curated photos from around the internet to give you a better idea of what a 112 kg man looks like at a height of 177cm

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 265 pounds to 245 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.

A 33 Year Old Man Lost 20 Lbs in 3 Months by Cutting Calories and Increasing Cardio

Weight After
111 Kg
178 cm
35 / 38
A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 249 pounds to 189 pounds. A net loss of 60 pounds.

How Reddit User Yaboyo Lost 60Lbs in 2 Years

Weight Before
113 Kg
178 cm
27 / 36
A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 370 pounds to 250 pounds. A net loss of 120 pounds.

Complete Lifestyle Change: M/21 Lost 120Lbs in 1 Year

Weight After
113 Kg
178 cm
36 / 53
A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight reduction from 242 pounds to 198 pounds. A net loss of 44 pounds.

Realnoahmc's Weight Loss Journey: Reddit User's Progress and Supplement Questions

Weight Before
110 Kg
178 cm
28 / 35
A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 245 pounds to 205 pounds. A net loss of 40 pounds.

From 245 to 205 Lbs in 18 Months: a Weight Loss Journey Through Diet Changes and Exercise

Weight Before
111 Kg
178 cm
29 / 35
A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 370 pounds to 246 pounds. A respectable loss of 124 pounds.

From 370Lb to 246Lb: a Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
112 Kg
178 cm
35 / 53
A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight gain from 150 pounds to 250 pounds. A net gain of 100 pounds.

Teen Gains 100Lbs in 5 Years, Planning to Cut Now

Weight After
113 Kg
178 cm
36 / 22
A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight reduction from 250 pounds to 180 pounds. A total loss of 70 pounds.

One Year Journey of Losing 70Lbs Through Cico and Resistance Training

Weight Before
113 Kg
178 cm
26 / 36
A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 250 pounds to 168 pounds. A respectable loss of 82 pounds.

From 250 to 168 Lbs: a Journey of Determination and Perseverance

Weight Before
113 Kg
178 cm
24 / 36
A before and after photo of a 5'11" male showing a weight reduction from 350 pounds to 245 pounds. A net loss of 105 pounds.

105Lbs Weight Loss Journey of Reddit User Jcale23

Weight After
111 Kg
178 cm
35 / 50
A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 380 pounds to 246 pounds. A net loss of 134 pounds.

A Journey of Losing 134 Pounds: Inspiring Reddit Post by User Monsterguy411 2

Weight After
112 Kg
178 cm
35 / 54
A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 297 pounds to 247 pounds. A respectable loss of 50 pounds.

How Walking 5K and Eating 1500 Calories a Day Changed One Man’s Relationship with Food 50Lbs in 4 Months.

Weight After
112 Kg
178 cm
35 / 43
A photo of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 249 pounds to 239 pounds. A total loss of 10 pounds.

Sv! M/26/5'10 239 249= 10 Lbs Not a Very Dramatic Change, but a Huge Victory for Me. [Potential Nsfw, Underwear]

Weight Before
113 Kg
178 cm
34 / 36
A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a snapshot of 252 pounds at a height of 5'10

Fat Loss Journey of a 26 Year Old Male Standing at 5'10

114 Kg
A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 245 pounds to 185 pounds. A respectable loss of 60 pounds.

60 Pound Weight Loss in 18 Months: Male Redditor Shares Progress and Inspiration

Weight Before
111 Kg
178 cm
27 / 35
A picture of a 5'11" male showing a weight loss from 245 pounds to 195 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.

Male in Mid Life Sheds 50 Pounds in 22 Months

Weight Before
111 Kg
178 cm
28 / 35