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The Story of a Bulking Journey: 157 Lbs to 172 Lbs in 2.5 Months

Follow one Reddit user's weight journey as he overcomes depression and motivation issues to achieve his dream body through consistent exercise and diet

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a weight gain from 157 pounds to 172 pounds. A total gain of 15 pounds.
M/18/5'11 [157-172](2 1/2 months) super proud of this bulk, more info in comments
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The user, dhosdajew, had been at his smallest (157 lbs) in a year or two before starting his weight journey. After going through a tough break-up, depression set in and he lost his motivation to exercise and eat right. He also injured his back and hamstring during a track season, which impacted his ability to work out.

Mental Health and Diet

Dhosdajew saw a psychiatrist to help with his anxiety and depression. He was put on an SSRI (Zoloft), which helped with his mood and appetite. For the first time, he lifted weights to build size, rather than strength or explosiveness. He also became more conscious of his diet, keeping track of calories and macros.


After 2.5 months of consistent exercise and diet, dhosdajew was able to bulk up from 157 lbs to 172 lbs. He was amazed by the gains he made from his consistent routines and steady diet. Although there are some differences in lighting and posing between his before and after pictures, his traps, shoulders, chest, and abs all looked better, confirming his happiness with his body.

Workout and Diet Tips

Dhosdajew's diet consisted of consuming 200 grams of protein, 80-90 grams of fat, and mostly carbs. He drank around half a gallon of milk per day as a source of carbs and protein, with healthy fats coming from foods such as PB, guac, mayo, and eggs yolks. His workout routine was based on Tudor Bomba's workout, which involved a 3-day split with 12 reps for the first week, 10 reps for the second week, and 8 reps for the third. Dhosdajew also recommended using MyFitnessPal to keep track of calories and macros for those interested in bulking up.


Dhosdajew's journey serves as a testament to the power of consistency and determination in achieving one's goals. Although he had to overcome depression and motivation issues before beginning his bulk, with the help of a psychiatrist, he was able to start a steady routine and diet. Anyone can take lessons from his journey, including the importance of exercise and diet in shaping one's body, the benefits of seeking help when needed, and the power of motivation and determination in achieving a goal.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.