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M/17/5'11" 220 to 155 to 160 in One Year: a Weight Loss Journey

Discover how one Reddit user, Gaining_It, lost 60 pounds over the course of a year through exercise, dieting, and motivation.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 220 pounds to 155 pounds. A total loss of 65 pounds.
M/17/5'11" [220 > 155 > 160 = 60] (1 Year) The difference a little more than a year can make.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Meet Gaining_It, a Reddit user who successfully lost 60 pounds over the course of a year by changing his eating habits, regularly exercising, and taking advantage of online resources. He shares his journey with the world through a Reddit post featuring before and after pictures.

First Steps

When he first started, Gaining_It wasn't very knowledgeable about health, fitness, or nutrition. He ate less and exercised more, burning about 1000 calories than he usually would. He continued with this regimen until he managed to lose around 30 pounds.

Going Keto

Gaining_It became interested in learning more about healthy eating and proper nutrition. He browsed various subreddits until he found r/keto, a diet that did wonders for him. With a combination of keto and weightlifting (including arm exercises), he managed to lose another 30-35 pounds quickly.


Once he reached the 155-pound mark, Gaining_It realized that he had to eat more than his TDEE and focus on building muscle through lifting. He started eating more protein and stayed low-carb, as he had good results from the keto diet. Today, he has put on a bit of muscle and loves his physique. He also drinks a lot of water, which is essential to staying healthy.


Gaining_It's journey is a testament to the fact that healthy weight loss and muscle gain is achievable if one is motivated, informed, and disciplined. It's also proof that there's a wealth of information and support online that can help someone get there.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.