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M/26/5'9" Lost 31 Lbs and Achieved His Goal of Hitting Sub 13% Body Fat a Reddit User's Weight Journey

Read about how a Reddit user with a sedentary job and a love for climbing and bouldering achieved his goal of hitting sub 13% body fat after an 8-month long journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight cut from 173 pounds to 142 pounds. A net loss of 31 pounds.
M/26/5'9" [173 lbs > 142 lbs, 31 lbs lost, 8 months]. Started off with the goal of hitting sub 13% body fat. Reached 139.5 lbs and 12.6% body fat. Maintaining at about 142 now.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


With a consistent approach to health and fitness, and a goal to lose weight and reach sub 13% body fat, Reddit user legendofzelda13's weight journey was truly inspiring. With a sedentary job and a love for rock climbing and bouldering, the journey was not without its challenges. But through patience and determination, legendofzelda13 was able to lose 31 lbs in 8 months and reach his goal of hitting sub 13% body fat. Here's how he did it.

Consistent Caloric Deficit

In his pursuit of losing weight and reaching sub 13% body fat, legendofzelda13 focused on a consistent caloric deficit. He started off with a 750 calorie deficit and later lowered it to a 500 calorie deficit. By doing so, he was able to lose about 1.5 lbs a week at first and later about 1 lb a week. Additionally, he aimed to consume 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass. When it came to his carb intake, he rarely ever counted but rather focused on whole grains and fibrous foods while reducing his sugar intake, particularly by cutting out sugary drinks.

Rock Climbing and Bouldering

Legendofzelda13's love for rock climbing and bouldering played a huge role in his weight journey. He spent one to two days a week strength training by following a Push, Pull, Legs (PPL) routine by Jeff Nippard. On top of that, he spent one to two days a week climbing and bouldering at a local climbing gym for 1.5 to 2 hours each session. Not only does rock climbing and bouldering provide a great full-body workout, but it also aided him in losing weight by helping him build strength, flexibility, and range of motion.

Noteworthy Performance Gains

While it's hard to isolate what gains can be attributed to weight loss, technique, or weight training, legendofzelda13 believes that the weight loss helped him out a lot on the rock climbing and bouldering walls. With his lighter body, he found that he had better range of motion and flexibility, which helped him execute movements and achieve grips. Additionally, he believes that he was able to campus and hold onto grips for longer.

Takeaway Message

Legendofzelda13's weight journey is a great reminder that losing weight can be achieved through patience and consistency, and that it is definitely worth it for those who are in need of a change. His story highlights the importance of focusing on a caloric deficit and consuming enough protein, and showcases how adding an enjoyable form of exercise like climbing and bouldering can help the process. While everyone's weight journey may differ, the principles that legendofzelda13 followed can be adapted and put into practice to suit individual needs and goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.