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From Wow Junkie to Deadlift Junkie: a Successful Weight Journey

Read about a Reddit user's impressive weight journey, losing 107 pounds and gaining strength through powerlifting. Learn about their diet and exercise routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'11" man showing a fat loss from 287 pounds to 180 pounds. A net loss of 107 pounds.
M/20/5'11 287-180 lbs From WOWJunkie to Deadlift Junkie
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user, ExPlanetarium, shared their weight journey, spanning from 287 to 180 pounds in just over a year. ExPlanetarium lost the weight through the ketogenic diet and biking, and then found a passion for powerlifting, increasing their lifts dramatically.

Ketogenic Diet and Cardio

ExPlanetarium started by losing all their excess weight through the ketogenic diet and biking. The ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat, and moderate protein diet known for its potential benefits in weight loss, blood sugar control, and overall health. Biking provided cardio, boosting caloric burn and improving cardiovascular endurance.

Powerlifting and Hypertrophy Training

After losing weight, ExPlanetarium joined a gym, intending to gain some muscle. One thing led to another, and they discovered a passion for powerlifting - particularly bench press, squat, and deadlift. Starting with Starting Strength and then moving to StrongLifts (SL) 5x5, they eventually created their own modified version of 5x5 and 3x5, with hypertrophy sets added. Hypertrophy training, defined as high volume and moderate to high intensity strength training, gave them significant gains in both strength and size.

Impressive Strength Gains

ExPlanetarium's persistence and hard work have led to impressive strength gains. They can bench press 315 pounds, squat 435 pounds, front squat 405 pounds, and deadlift 495 pounds. They began with a bench press of just 115 pounds, a squat of 95 pounds, and a deadlift of 135 pounds. These achievements are near-professional level and show the users' dedication to their health and fitness goals.


ExPlanetarium's inspiring weight journey is an incredible example of how combining diet and exercise can lead to amazing transformations. Their strategy of using the ketogenic diet and powerlifting, combined with hypertrophy training, is an attainable formula for similar success. This story serves as a reminder that with hard work, dedication, and consistency, anyone can achieve their fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.