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50 Lbs Weight Loss Journey: M/33/5'10" Progress in a Year

Read about SearchForWisdom's year-long 50 lbs progress, including his diet and exercises plan and his setbacks.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'10" man showing a weight loss from 233 pounds to 183 pounds. A respectable loss of 50 pounds.
A photo of a 5'10" man showing a weight loss from 233 pounds to 183 pounds. A respectable loss of 50 pounds.
M/33/5'10" [233 > 183 = 50 lbs]. 1 year progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

How SearchForWisdom Lost 50 Lbs

SearchForWisdom's weight loss journey spanned a year, during which he cut calories for a long time and got down to 173ish without doing any real cardio. He lifted exclusively, but got somewhat weak towards the end and started to go crazy on 1600 calories a day. For the last couple of months, he slowly raised his calories up to 2400 but often went over and up to 2700 to bulk slowly. This caused him to gain 10 lbs. He tried to do cardio at least once a week and lifted 5 days a week.

Changes in SearchForWisdom's Body Measurements

SearchForWisdom's waist went from 41 inches to a little less than 33 inches. However, as he started to eat more, his stomach has filled out again, and that tiny bit of definition he started to get is gone. Now, he feels like a full 34-inch waist. His body mass index or BMI is 26.3, down from 30.6, which means he dropped down from an obese BMI to an overweight one but far from the healthy range of 18.5-24.9.

SearchForWisdom's Diet Plan and Exercise Routine

SearchForWisdom's diet plan involved staying around his caloric goal and eating at least 130 grams of protein. During the 10 months of cutting, he ate a low amount of carbs only out of necessity not to exceed his caloric intake. While his diet was not completely clean, he was much stricter during the 10 months of cutting than the last two months of bulking.

SearchForWisdom's Fitness Goals

SearchForWisdom plans to slowly bulk for a couple of more months and then cut down again by the summer to remedy not getting into shape by last summer, which was his original goal. He's not chasing any particular lifting numbers, especially after an injury. He now lifts for stimulation and contraction and often de-loads to work on form, tempo and change around rep ranges to use lighter and heavier weights.

Lessons Learned from SearchForWisdom's Weight Loss Journey

SearchForWisdom's progress in losing 50 lbs was not easy, and he admits it was a struggle at times to keep up motivation. However, he kept putting in some effort almost every day and with almost every meal. He advises everyone to find a plan that works, stay consistent, visualize progress, and be patient because any significant transformation will take time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.