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M/24/6'1 200Lbs > 180Lbs: One Man's Journey to a Healthier Future

Read about one man's impressive weight loss journey from never working out to 5 times a week. Discover how a change in diet and routine helped him lose 20lbs in just 13 months.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'1" male showing a weight loss from 200 pounds to 180 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/24/6'1 200lbs -> 180lbs or How I learned to age 10 years in 13 months
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


The Reddit user hivaidsislethal recently posted before-and-after pictures that show his impressive weight loss transformation. Over the course of 13 months, he went from 200 pounds to 180 pounds, shedding 20 pounds of excess weight. In this article, we examine his weight loss journey, the diet and routine that helped him achieve his goals, and the positive changes he has experienced.

Challenges and Hard Work

Hivaidsislethal's weight loss journey started from square one: he never worked out before. He began by hitting the gym 5 times a week, and changed his diet to lean out. But despite his hard work, the weight still wasn't coming off. It wasn't until he discovered that he was unknowingly consuming 900+ calories worth of cereal in the morning that he made significant progress. He cut his breakfast calorie intake by more than half, and the weight began to drop.

Diet and Exercise Routine

Hivaidsislethal's daily meals remained mostly the same, but he switched to two eggs and egg whites, as well as a fiber one bar, for breakfast. He also switched to whey instead of casein right after workouts. To his existing workout routine of two push days, two pull days, and a leg day, he added P90X ab ripper once a week, and some intense HIIT sessions for cardio. In addition, he cut out drunk food, although he still indulged in boozing on weekends.

The Rewards of Hard Work

Hivaidsislethal's hard work paid off in many ways. He feels more confident than ever before and has even noticed that women pay more attention to him. He now feels comfortable going shirtless on the beach, something he never did before. Despite having to field comments accusing him of age fraud due to his impressive transformation, he says the real-life rewards make it all worth it.


Hivaidsislethal's weight loss journey is testament to the power of hard work, consistency, and a healthy diet. While his journey may not be for everyone, he encourages others to try out different routines and diets to find what works for them. Whether it's taking up HIIT, cutting out carbs or trying new recipes, maintaining a healthy lifestyle should be a priority for everyone.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.