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230Lbs to 155Lbs and Back up to 180Lbs: One Man's Journey to Weight Loss

Read about one man's weight loss journey from 230lbs to 155lbs and back up to 180lbs. Discover what challenges he faced and how he overcame them.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 230 pounds to 155 pounds. A total loss of 75 pounds.
A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 230 pounds to 155 pounds. A total loss of 75 pounds.
M/21/6' [230 -> 155 -> 180, 75lb lost overall] (17 months) Life's been hittin me hard lately, but at least my progress is steady
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


ItsHughHoney's weight loss journey spans over 17 months, but he has achieved an incredible 75lb weight loss overall. He started at a weight of 230lbs and reached a low of 155lbs before putting some weight back on and settling at 180lbs. Despite life's challenges, he has maintained a steady progress in his weight loss journey.

The Obstacles

Life has presented some challenges for ItsHughHoney, but he has remained determined to achieve his goals. At his lowest point during his weight loss journey, he was experiencing acute depression and suicidal thoughts. However, he didn't give up on himself and found ways to overcome these challenges. He credits his support system, which includes his family and friends, for helping him stay motivated.

The Journey

ItsHughHoney's journey to weight loss was not an easy one. He relied on a combination of calorie counting, intermittent fasting, and exercise to achieve his goals. Initially, he struggled with his nutrition but eventually found what worked for him. For exercise, he tried a range of activities, including weightlifting, running, and rock climbing, until he found what he enjoyed most.

The Results

ItsHughHoney's commitment to his weight loss journey has paid off. He has achieved an impressive 75lb weight loss overall. Although he has put some weight back on, he is proud of his progress and continues to maintain his healthy lifestyle. He credits his success to finding a balance that works for him, rather than relying on strict diets or intense exercise regimens.


ItsHughHoney's weight loss journey is an inspiring example of how persistence, dedication, and a support system can help achieve long-term weight loss success. While his journey may not work for everyone, it provides insight into the importance of finding what works for you and not giving up on yourself during difficult times. It's never too late to start making positive changes in your life and ItsHughHoney's journey is proof of that.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.