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From 13 Year Old Boy to Solid Six: a Weight Loss Journey

Discover how a Reddit user lost 20 pounds in 6 months to transform their physique. Learn about the diet and workout plan they used to achieve their goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight loss from 215 pounds to 195 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/26/5'10 [215>195=20] Went from a 13 yo fat boy to a solid 6 in 6 months
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user moto2four shared their weight loss journey with the online community in a post that has since amassed 78 upvotes and over 5 comments. In this post, the user charts their journey from a 13-year-old boy to a solid six in just six months. They detail their diet and workout plan and provide progress pictures to show the remarkable transformation they underwent. This article provides an overview of the key details shared in this post.

Before and after

In the post, moto2four shared a set of progress pictures that documented their transformation from being overweight to being in great shape. The first picture shows the user at age 13 with twiggy arms and an overall unhealthy appearance. The second set of pictures, taken six months after the start of their journey, show the same user with a chiseled upper body and muscular arms.


To achieve this transformation, the user revealed that they followed a strict diet that consisted of lots of eggs, chicken breast, and protein shakes. They also included vegetables and brown rice in their diet. Their carb intake was managed, with a load of around 250 grams per day during their first week of two-a-day workouts, and under 75 grams per day afterward.

Workout regimen

The user's workout plan consisted of two-a-day workouts, Monday to Friday, for the first two weeks, followed by once-a-day workouts for the next two weeks, allowing for adequate recovery. Each day features a different muscle group, with a focus on intense training sessions for each muscle group. The user alternated chest and triceps, back and biceps, and shoulders and traps on day five. They also focused on leg workouts and alternated between light and heavy lifting during the week.


Moto2four's weight loss journey is a testament to the effectiveness of structured diet and exercise. By sticking to a nutritionally balanced diet and keeping a consistent workout regimen, the user was able to achieve their fitness goals in just six months. While the specifics of each person's diet and exercise plan may differ, the principles outlined in this post could benefit anyone looking to transform their body.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.