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From 210Lbs to 173Lbs: a Redditor’s Success Story

This M/27/6'1 Reddit user lost 37lbs in 8 months to prepare for his wedding. Learn about his dieting and exercise routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'1" man showing a fat loss from 210 pounds to 173 pounds. A total loss of 37 pounds.
M/27/6'1 [210lbs > 173lbs = 37lbs] (8 months) Knew I was getting married soon and wanted to make the wife happy; me too of course!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user Etrain33, lost 37lbs in 8 months to be in shape for his wedding. He describes his journey in a Reddit post with a lot of details.

The Diet Plan

The weight loss was mainly due to his willpower, rather than a set routine or a diet. He mentions eating more protein and fewer carbs, but he did not eliminate any food group entirely. He naturally started eating smaller portions and healthier foods once he was a few months in. It’s also important to note that he didn't follow any intermittent fasting or calorie counting plan.

The Workout Routine

Etrain33 ran/biked 2x a week and exercised 3x a week. On his lift days, he would still run a mile or so warm-up OR cool-down. On pure cardio days, he ran or biked for about an hour. His workout routine included 3 kinds of workouts, chest & back, shoulders & abs, legs & core. He did all this in sets of 2, so first two exercises rotating, then the next two, and so on.

No supplements just real food

Etrain33 used ZERO supplements throughout his weight loss journey, relying solely on real food like milk, meat, or Greek yogurt as a protein source after a workout. He also emphasized the importance of cooking for oneself and avoiding eating out frequently.


Etrain33's journey serves as an inspiration for many who want to lose weight and get healthy. His approach had no shortcuts, and he didn't follow any fancy diet or workout plan. He relied on his willpower, consistency, and eating real food. Try to apply these principles to your life and achieve your weight loss goals naturally!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.