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A Reddit User's 9 Month Weight Loss Journey and Muscle Building Struggle

A 19-year-old man shares his experience in losing weight, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and building muscle through his 9-month journey

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'11" man showing a weight cut from 175 pounds to 145 pounds. A net loss of 30 pounds.
M/19/5'11 [175-145] (9 months) Yet to reach my goal body type, but I'm going strong!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Durvid, a 19-year-old Reddit user, shares his inspiring 9-month journey of losing weight and trying to build muscles. With a starting weight of 175 lbs, Durvid has successfully reduced his weight to 145 lbs. However, he still faces difficulty in obtaining his desired body type despite trying to build muscle.

Challenges faced

Durvid notes that even though he goes to the gym 5-7 times a week, he is having trouble building muscles. Despite using the machines at the gym after his run, he doesn't see the desired results. However, Reddit users provided some tips to help him achieve his goals. One tip was cutting back on cardio to 30 minutes, 2x a week max if he wanted to focus on building muscle. They also suggested using heavy free weights for exercise and avoiding machines as they don't engage stabilizing muscles.


Durvid notes that he eats lean and healthy meals and drinks a Gold Standard Protein shake. As a vegetarian, he has difficulty adding fish oil to his diet which is recommended for those trying to build muscle. However, users suggest having a daily protein intake that is equal to one's weight (in kg) multiplied by two in grams for ideal results. A protein shake should be had directly after or within an hour after a workout for best results.

The power of a workout partner

Durvid notes that having a workout partner has kept him motivated and on track. Even though his roommate was the one who initiated their workout routine in the beginning, the daily routine proved useful for both of them, and Durvid has remained inspired since. He tries to visit the gym every day and feels terrible when he misses a workout day.


Durvid's journey serves as an inspiration to many who may be facing difficulties in achieving their desired body shape. Through determination and perseverance, Durvid has managed to reduce his weight significantly and maintain a healthy lifestyle. The addition of a workout partner has helped to keep him motivated and on track. For anyone facing a plateau or struggling to lose weight, this story serves as a reminder that small consistent steps and a strong support system can help them achieve their goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.