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F/21/5'6 [180>135=45Lbs] Weight Loss Journey: From January to Now

Read about Still-Safe-9050's inspiring weight loss journey and learn how to achieve your own goals. Follow a healthy lifestyle that makes you comfortable with yourself!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 180 pounds to 135 pounds. A net loss of 45 pounds.
F/21/5’6 [180>135=45lbs] !!! from january-now. guys i’m so excited. i’m finally confident enough to wear summer clothes like tanks/crop tops lol- in public, not just at home. it feels good to be comfortable with myself, I hope you all are able to achieve ur goals :)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Still-Safe-9050 has shared an inspiring weight loss journey on Reddit that has motivated people around the world. With a significant loss of 45lbs in just six months, she has made an incredible transformation.

The Journey

From January to now, Still-Safe-9050 has dedicated herself to a healthy lifestyle, incorporating a balanced diet and regular exercise. She has shared her progress through photos and updates, showing the hard work and dedication that went into achieving her goals.

Key Takeaways

Still-Safe-9050's story emphasizes the importance of setting goals and following a routine that works for you. She also reminds us that it's important to be patient with ourselves and celebrate small victories along the way. It took her six months to see significant progress, and it's essential to remember that change doesn't happen overnight.

The Benefits

Still-Safe-9050 shares the incredible impact her weight loss has had on her self-confidence. She is excited to wear summer clothes, including tanks and crop tops, in public without feeling self-conscious. Losing weight has not only benefited her physically, but also mentally and emotionally.


Still-Safe-9050's journey is a testament to the fact that with dedication and commitment, anyone can achieve their weight loss goals. It's important to remember to listen to your body and find a routine that works for you. So, get inspired and start your own journey towards a healthier life today!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.