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30 Pound Weight Loss Journey: M/23/5'7'' Shows off Abs in 6 Months, Shares Details

Get inspired and learn tips on weight loss from a Reddit user who shed 30 pounds over 6 months by counting calories, hitting macros, and exercising.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'7" man showing a fat loss from 180 pounds to 150 pounds. A net loss of 30 pounds.
M/23/5'7'' [180 lbs > 150 lbs = 30 lbs] (6 Months) Abs starting to come in! >:)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user, VinnyDelFuego, has recently posted his 30-pound weight loss journey over six months, sharing his before/after photos of his impressive transformation.

The Routine

VinnyDelFuego said his routine was simple: he counted his calories using MyFitnessPal, weighed his food, and aimed for a 1820 calories, 160g protein, 180g carbohydrates, and 50g fat diet. He also hit the gym and did exercises such as incline dumbbell press, incline chest press, flat chest flies, fly machine, cable flies, and dips for his chest. He avoided cardio and minimal core workouts and focused more on weight training.

The Diet

VinnyDelFuego prioritized protein, saying that he aimed to have a good source of protein with every meal, including chicken, lean ground turkey, Chobani yogurt, whey protein, veggies, and fruit. He also said carbs are not a concern for him and he utilizes them to his advantage. During his transformation, he also had cheat meals regularly, considering them instrumental to his success.

The Result

Over 6 months, VinnyDelFuego lost 30 pounds and went from 180 pounds to 150 pounds. He noted that he has gained strength and muscle mass during his weight loss journey as well. Although he admits he skipped out on some core exercises, he emphasizes that focusing on a calorie deficit and hitting macros led to his visible abs.

Tips and Encouragement

VinnyDelFuego is keen on helping others, as he offers advice and tips to fellow Reddit users who asked for details on his routine. He emphasized the importance of patience and consistency, saying anyone who, like him, aims to lose weight can just focus on diet and hit their macros regularly. So, if you are on a weight loss journey, remember that discipline and consistency are key.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.