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From 260Lb to 194Lb: a 13 Month Weight Loss and Recomp Journey

Discover how a Reddit user lost 66lb in 13 months through gym sessions, outdoor walks, keto diet, and intermittent fasting.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 6'1" male showing a weight reduction from 260 pounds to 194 pounds. A net loss of 66 pounds.
M/42/6'1" [260lb > 194lb = 66lb] (~13 months) 8 months weight loss + 5 months recomp
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Gourmet_Coffee, a 42-year-old Reddit user, has shared his inspiring weight loss and recomp journey, which garnered 43 upvotes and a few comments. When he started his journey, he weighed 260lb and felt lethargic most of the time. However, today, he weighs around 194lb and maintains 13.5% to 14.3% body fat measured by his gym scale.

Weight Loss Phase

For the first 8 months, Gourmet_Coffee focused on losing weight by working out at the gym for 2-4 days a week and going for outdoor walks. By doing so, he was able to drop down to 190lb. He did not provide before photos, but he shared that he was in terrible fitness shape before starting his journey.

Recomp Phase

After reaching his weight loss goal, Gourmet_Coffee shifted to the recomp phase, where he bumped up his calories, lifted weights, and changed to a keto diet with high fat, moderate protein, and low-carb intake. He also dumped carbs from his diet to maintain his weight loss. He did not mention the specific amount of calories he consumed but adjusted them based on his activities, such as adding 200-400 kcal when he adds water fitness once a week.

Intermittent Fasting

Finally, 2 weeks ago, Gourmet_Coffee shifted to a 20/4 fasting schedule to manage his weight better. The method involves 20 hours of continuous fasting and 4 hours of eating window. He found that the approach worked well with his current keto diet, and he did not feel hungry during the fast. He works out 7 days a week, with a 3-day split workout. During each session, he focuses on strength training, performing volume training every 2-3 times alternately.


Gourmet_Coffee's weight loss and recomp journey shows the importance of a holistic approach toward achieving one's fitness goals. Although he started with working out at the gym and outdoor walks, he eventually integrated keto diet and intermittent fasting into his regimen, helping him achieve remarkable results. However, his journey highlights that what works for one may not work for another, and it is essential to experiment and try out different methods to find what works best for oneself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.