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From 145 to 175Lbs in 2 Years: a User's Weightlifting Journey

Discover one Reddit user's journey into serious weightlifting, from diet to lifting routine, and how it helped him gain over 30 pounds of muscle.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight bulk from 145 pounds to 175 pounds. A respectable gain of 30 pounds.
M/24/5'9" [145>175] Started my journey into serious weightlifting 2 years ago! Before/Present
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Get inspired by one Reddit user's weightlifting journey, as he gained over 30 pounds of muscle in just 2 years. Learn about his diet, lifting routine, and secrets to success.


Discover how the user went about bulking up, with 3-4 large meals per day, emphasizing a big breakfast and hydration with water. He avoided fried foods and soft drinks when possible. While he can't provide a universal diet plan, his approach worked for him.

Lifting Routine

The user aimed to hit the gym 5-6 nights per week, with one break day. He emphasized consistency in his routine, switching out days when necessary. His muscle group rotations consisted of legs/abs/traps, chest/triceps/shoulders, and biceps/back/forearms. He typically did 4 exercises per muscle group, with 3 sets each starting at 12 reps, 10 reps, 8 reps progressing in weight, sometimes ending with a 6 rep set. He emphasized muscle confusion and switched up his exercises every 2 months.


The user used C4 as a pre-workout mix and AMP Wheybolic Extreme 80+2% milk for protein shakes. He stuck to a small range of supplements, highlighting the importance of finding what works best for you.


If you're starting out with weightlifting, remember that consistency and intensity are your friends. It's important to keep track of your progress, but listen to your body and make adjustments along the way. Everyone's journey is different, but with hard work, dedication, and a bit of experimentation, you too can achieve your weightlifting goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.