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From Fast Food to Health Food: a User’s 9 Day Weight Loss Journey

A Reddit user shares their experience losing 8lbs in 9 days through clean eating and organic food. Explore the comments for tips and critiques.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'2" woman showing a weight reduction from 172 pounds to 164 pounds. A total loss of 8 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'2" woman showing a weight reduction from 172 pounds to 164 pounds. A total loss of 8 pounds.
F/22 5'2" 172>164lbs=8lbs lost in 9 days! (NSFW)
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a daunting task, but for Reddit user tryingtobehealthier, it was an opportunity for change. She documented her weight loss journey, where she lost 8lbs in 9 days through clean eating, organic food and healthy choices.

User’s Journey

The user started by eliminating fast food and soda from her diet, replacing them with organic alternatives. Although the weight loss could be comprised of water weight, the user stated that it motivated her to continue eating healthily. She received positive comments on her post, with many applauding her effort.

Critiques and Tips

Critiques came in from some members of the subreddit, however tryingtobehealthier took it all in stride. Some members advised her to be wary of “natural” labels on food products and to inspect nutritional panels and ingredient labels. Other members advised her to start a cardio routine by taking daily walks. Despite the critiques, the user is motivated to continue with her healthy habits.


Although it may sound like a cliche, the user’s results are a testament to the power of healthy eating habits. She lost almost one pound a day without working out. Her experience showcases that small changes in diet and choices can lead to healthy weight loss.


Aspiring weight losers should follow tryingtobehealthier's lead and start with small changes in their diet. Replacing fast food with healthier options, like organic and clean eating, cuts calories and provides a reason to continue sticking to a healthy lifestyle. Importantly, seeking out support groups, such as the Reddit community, can be a positive guide through the ups and downs of the journey to a healthier lifestyle.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.