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How One Man Lost 5 Pounds in 6 Months by Cutting Back on Wine and Hitting the Gym

Read about how this man transformed his body and went from looking pregnant to looking healthy by focusing on his diet and exercise routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'0" man showing a fat loss from 215 pounds to 210 pounds. A respectable loss of 5 pounds.
M/40/6' [215 > 210 = 5lbs] 6 months to go from looking pregnant to looking healthy. Story in comments.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Journey to Better Health

Last December, a few months shy of his 40th birthday, wtf70 decided he didn't want to enter a new decade looking the way he did. He started overhauling his diet and exercise regimen, cutting out alcohol (particularly red wine) and hitting the gym for weightlifting and cardio workouts. Although he didn't see dramatic changes on the scale, he did notice significant changes in his overall physique.

The Struggle to Cut Out Alcohol

Wtf70 was a drink-at-home-after-work type person, pouring himself a glass of wine as soon as he walked in the door and having six to eight bottles a week. He noticed that he hadn't realized how much sugar was in red wine and how it was contributing to his overall weight. To cut back, he took up going to the gym instead, resulting in much more limited drinking.

The Benefits of a Comprehensible Routine

When asked about his routine, wtf70 says he works out five days a week, incorporating 30 minutes of weightlifting and 30 minutes on the elliptical. His diet is low in carbs and high in protein, with an approximate daily intake of 1,200 calories. To keep himself hydrated, he aims to drink 100 ounces of water per day. His hard work is now paying off, as he's effectively transformed his body in six months.

Tips for Readers Who Want to Get Started

Wtf70 gives a few pieces of advice: first, cutting out sugar is key. Second, drinking more water helps not only with hydration but also with weight loss. Third, he stresses that while his routine works for him, everyone's body is different and may require a different plan. He suggests that readers not be afraid to experiment and find what works for them. Finally, he emphasizes the value of consistency and that anyone can make a positive change over time.

Final Thoughts: Hard Work Pays Off

Wtf70's weight loss journey involved lots of hard work and dedication, but he's pleased with the results. He emphasizes to readers that they can make changes at any time to help move towards better health. Read his reddit thread for inspiration and tips, but remember that everyone's journey is different. The key is to find your own path, stick to it, and see the benefits over time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.