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A 25 Pound Weight Loss Journey: Daily Cardio and Core Workouts Helped Achieve My Goal

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey fueled by daily cardio and core workouts. Tips for those looking to start their own journey.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight cut from 195 pounds to 170 pounds. A net loss of 25 pounds.
M/20/6'0" [195>170=-25lbs] 3 months made possible by daily cardio + core thanks /r/progresspics for the motivation. It's amazing you can achieve when you have a little strive
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a challenging journey that requires consistent hard work and perseverance. For Reddit user [deleted], this journey was made easier with daily cardio and core workouts. Over three months, this 20-year-old male went from 195 pounds to 170 pounds. Thanks to the r/progresspics community for constant motivation, [deleted] was able to achieve an amazing weight loss transformation.

The Importance of Daily Cardio

Cardio workouts play a significant role in weight loss. Daily cardio helps burn calories and reduce body fat. For [deleted], a typical cardio workout would involve running, cycling, or jumping rope. He suggests experimenting with different cardio exercises to keep things interesting and prevent boredom.

Why Core Workouts Matter

In addition to cardio, [deleted] also worked on strengthening his core muscles. Core workouts are essential for weight loss since they help build a strong foundation for the rest of the body. Some effective core exercises include planks, Russian twists and leg raises. [deleted] recommends starting with four sets of twenty reps for each of these exercises and increasing gradually over time.

The Role of Motivation

Losing weight can be a daunting task, and sometimes it's easy to lose motivation. [deleted]'s motivation came from the r/progresspics community, which comprises real people sharing their weight loss journeys. He found solace in seeing actual progress pictures and testimonies of people who had gone through similar weight loss experiences.


Losing weight is a personal journey that requires discipline and patience. For [deleted], daily cardio and core workouts helped achieve his weight loss goals. However, it's essential to note that every person is unique and the weight loss journey may vary. Take inspiration from weight loss success stories like [deleted]'s and experiment with different workouts to find what works best for you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.