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One Man's Journey to Achieve His Weight Goal and Reduce Body Fat Percentage by 15% in 1 Year

A Reddit user Soup82694 shares his inspiring story about how he worked hard to reduce his weight from 210 lbs to 175 lbs and achieve his goal of 15% body fat percentage in a year

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 210 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 35 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 210 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 35 pounds.
A picture of a 5'10" male showing a weight reduction from 210 pounds to 175 pounds. A total loss of 35 pounds.
M/20/5'10" [210lbs > 175ish = 35 lbs] ~ one year, finally hit my goal of 15% BF and went picture crazy, going to hit 10% before summer.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Soup82694 is a Reddit user who shares his inspiring story about how he achieved his goal of reducing his weight from 210 lbs to 175 lbs and body fat percentage by 15% in just one year. This achievement required consistent and proactive efforts towards maintaining a healthy diet, a regular workout routine, and a positive mindset towards his goal.

Key Actions taken by Soup82694

Soup82694 states that he started his weight loss journey one year ago when he realized that he weighed 260 lbs in his last year of high school. The first step he took was to switch to a healthy diet and reduce his daily calorie intake. He maintained a calorie deficit of around 500 calories per day and focused on eating healthy and nutritious food. He started a regular workout routine, hitting the gym 5 days a week, and working on specific body parts such as his back, abs, and chest.

Consistency is the key

Soup82694 claims that sticking with his workout regime and diet plan was challenging at times, but he stuck to it by reminding himself of his goals and the progress he had made. He also credits his friends for their support and motivation, which helped him during his lows. He advised anyone looking to embark on such a weight loss journey to be dedicated, consistent and keep their goals in mind.


Soup82694's post on Reddit has been positively received with comments and replies from other users who shared similar struggles and aspirations. One user, in particular, expressed their admiration for Soup82694's physique and thanked him for inspiring them. We wish Soup82694 all the happiness and success in his endeavors.


Soup82694's journey of achieving his weight goal and reducing body fat in one year is an ambitiously successful story which proves that hard work, dedication and maintaining a healthy lifestyle can lead to achieving the goals that we dream of. Let us all take inspiration from Soup82694's journey and strive to live healthier, unapologetically pushing ourselves towards our dreams and goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.