What does 35 pounds of fat look like?
Check out the progress pics of people who have lost 35 pounds of fat!
M/29/5'9" Weight Loss Journey: 35Lbs Shed in 7 Months
Weight Loss Success Story: Man Loses 35 Lbs in Journey to Better Health
35 Pound Weight Loss: Tracking the Progress of a Young Redditor
From Enlisting to Civilian: Reducing 35 Lbs in 48 Months for Male, 21, 5'11" [187Lbs>152Lbs]
The Weight Journey of Seriously Saiyan: Losing 35 Lbs to Transform His Face
How Swiftestoctopus Lost 35Lbs in Two Years
The Weight Loss Journey of Reddit User [Deleted]
"Lost" 35 Lbs: a Journey to a Healthier Body Composition
35 Pound Weight Loss Journey: M/23/5'7" Shares Progress on Reddit
A Weight Loss Journey on Reddit [Deleted by User]
M/33/5'9" How One Reddit User Lost over 35 Lbs in 12 Months
M/37/5'7 [230Lbs > 195Lbs = 35Lbs] Weight Loss: Man Loses 35Lbs and Shares Progress Pic