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From 185 to 145: a Weight Loss Journey

Read about a Reddit user's journey from 185 to 145 pounds and the strategies they used to achieve their weight loss goals.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'6" woman showing a fat loss from 185 pounds to 145 pounds. A total loss of 40 pounds.
F/18/5'6" 185>145 With only ten more pounds to go, I feel it's time to post pictures of my progress
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a challenging and personal journey. For one Reddit user, it was a journey from 185 to 145 pounds, a remarkable feat. The user, whose username has been deleted, shared their progress pictures and ideas with the Reddit community. This article covers their journey in detail and the strategies that were useful for them.

The Journey

The user started by cutting back on sugar, fast food, and processed foods, and instead focused on eating more vegetables and lean protein. In addition, they started tracking their calories with an app to keep track of their daily intake. They also did cardio and strength training exercises at home regularly. The weight loss was slow but steady, and after four months, they had lost 30 pounds.

Challenges Faced

One of the biggest challenges the user faced was not giving in to temptation. They talked about how sometimes they would want to indulge in unhealthy foods but stuck to their healthy eating plan. Another challenge was not seeing progress right away, which can be discouraging for anyone on a weight loss journey. However, the user persevered and saw the results eventually.

Maintaining Weight Loss

Maintaining weight loss can be difficult, but the user had some suggestions that worked for them. First, they continued to track their calories and exercise regularly. They also made sure to enjoy life in moderation without overdoing anything. Lastly, they made a mental shift towards their eating habits, seeing food as sustenance rather than emotional comfort.


The weight loss journey is different for everyone, but the user's determination and hard work paid off. By focusing on healthy food choices, tracking calories, and regular exercise, they were able to achieve their weight loss goals. If you are on a similar journey, it is essential to find what works for you, stay consistent, and be patient with yourself. With dedication and perseverance, successful weight loss is possible.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.