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Man Loses 21Lbs in 4 Months Through Diet and Exercise

Find out how this Reddit user achieved his weight loss goal through dedication to his diet, workout plan and use of supplements.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 191 pounds to 170 pounds. A respectable loss of 21 pounds.
M/36/6'0" [191 > 170 = 21lbs] (4 months) Went from 0 -> 6 workouts per week and strict diet. Just getting started!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The journey to lose weight can be a long and difficult one. However, with the right mindset, dedication, and effort, it is possible to achieve your desired results in a relatively short amount of time. This is what Mad_Sam, a 36-year-old Reddit user, proved when he lost 21 pounds in just four months.


A key aspect of Mad_Sam’s weight loss journey was his strict diet regime. Using the MyFitnessPal app, he tracked everything he ate, consumed 1600-1800 calories per day, and cut out all junk food, soda or anything with artificial sugars. Since Mad_Sam is a vegetarian, he consumed 0% Milk and 0% Greek yogurt as his primary protein sources. If not feeling hungry, he knew he had overeaten. Cheat meals happened only once a month, and even then, he only allowed himself a 2500 calorie day.


Mad_Sam aimed to exercise 7+ hours per week, as he had a desk job and seldom burnt calories. He worked out with a personal trainer twice a week and did a mix of circuit training and cardio four days a week. His ideal workout on his own was 45 minutes of weights and immediately following it, 45 minutes of cardio while his heart rate was elevated. He could not do a single pull-up on day one, but now he can do 3 sets of 10. He alternated between light weights and more repetitions and higher weights with fewer reps depending on his daily mood. He committed to feeling the burn and keeping his heart rate up.


To make it through the first few weeks of workout when he felt dizzy and lightheaded after a 30-minute workout, he took a supplement that provided an energy boost. After three weeks, he stopped and started taking Creatine instead. Now, he consumes BCAA's, which are present in his post-workout shake.


Mad_Sam proved that discipline and consistency are the key to successful weight transormation, coupled with dedication and effort. A proper diet regime, adequate workout, and well-chosen supplements could make a difference. While Mad_Sam's approach worked for him, every individual's requirements vary, and it is essential to be patient and find what works best for one's body. No matter how long the journey might be, it is achievable if one is willing to put in the time and effort.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.