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Male Loses 13Lbs in 44 Months with Caloric Deficit and Accidental Body Recomp

Read about a man's journey to lose 13lbs in 44 months and achieve a better understanding of his diet through body recomp.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" man showing a weight reduction from 185 pounds to 172 pounds. A net loss of 13 pounds.
A photo of a 5'8" man showing a weight reduction from 185 pounds to 172 pounds. A net loss of 13 pounds.
A photo of a 5'8" man showing a weight reduction from 185 pounds to 172 pounds. A net loss of 13 pounds.
A photo of a 5'8" man showing a weight reduction from 185 pounds to 172 pounds. A net loss of 13 pounds.
Male/22/5'8" [185 > 172 = 13lbs] (44 months first pic) (20 months other pics) Found this subreddit today, decided to share my progress!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Steve12602, a male aged 22 and 5'8", shares his weight loss journey on Reddit. He lost 13lbs in 44 months through caloric deficit and "accidental" body recomp. He found a better grasp of his diet and decided to share his progress.

What is Body Recomp?

Body recomp, or body recomposition, is a process of simultaneously losing body fat and gaining muscle mass. It involves strength training to increase muscle mass and a caloric deficit to lose fat. Steve12602 called his body recomp process "accidental" because he was in a hard caloric deficit throughout the period, with multiple stints of cheating.

The Importance of Diet

Steve12602 admits that he fell off the wagon and cheated on his diet several times during his weight loss journey. However, he found a better understanding of his diet more recently. He was in a caloric deficit of -1000 calories from his TDEE and learned the importance of sticking to a diet to achieve his weight goals.

Encouragement to Readers

Steve12602's progress shows that making progress towards a healthier lifestyle doesn't happen overnight. It takes time and dedication to achieve one's weight loss goals. However, learning about one's diet and exercise can help. Encouraging readers to try building muscle, start strength training, and eat clean may yield positive results.


Steve12602's weight loss journey inspired many Reddit users, receiving 67 upvotes in total. His accidental body recomp and caloric deficit have yielded significant benefits, and a better grasp of his diet has allowed him to understand the importance of staying on track. His story is an inspiration to others who seek weight loss journeys, and it reinforces the truth that it is possible to achieve one's goals through dedication and time.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.