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18 Month Weight Journey: M/32 From 219 to 162 a Reddit User's Report

Read about aspindler's 18-month weight journey from 219 to 162 lbs. Discover the user's approach, lessons learned, and milestones.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'8" male showing a fat loss from 219 pounds to 162 pounds. A respectable loss of 57 pounds.
A picture of a 5'8" male showing a fat loss from 219 pounds to 162 pounds. A respectable loss of 57 pounds.
M/32/5'8" [219>162](18 months). Really happy.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss journeys require discipline, patience, and persistence. Redditor aspindler, a 32-year-old male who stands 5'8" tall, embarked on a journey to lose weight from 219 lbs to 162 lbs over 18 months.


Aspindler's approach included tracking his calorie intake and increasing his physical activity. He made dietary changes, such as cutting down on sugar, processed foods, and alcohol, while increasing his intake of fruits, vegetables, and protein-rich foods. He also incorporated strength training and cardio exercises into his routine.

Lessons Learned

Aspindler learned several valuable lessons throughout his journey. He realized the importance of consistency and accountability. He found support through online communities, found inspiration in others' success stories, and learned to enjoy the process rather than focusing solely on his end goal.


Aspindler celebrated several milestones during his weight loss journey, such as fitting into old clothes, improving his physical endurance, and feeling more confident in his appearance. He also highlighted the gains beyond the physical, such as improved mental health, increased energy, and better sleep quality.


Aspindler's weight loss journey required hard work and dedication, but he discovered benefits beyond the physical. His transformative experience showcases how making small lifestyle changes, finding support, and staying accountable can help individuals achieve their goals. Check out the Reddit thread for more details and inspiration.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.