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How One Reddit User Lost 12 Pounds in 8 Weeks with Hard Work and Clean Eating

Read about one user's weight loss journey on Reddit by working out and eating clean. Tips and advice shared!

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'5" woman showing a fat loss from 168 pounds to 156 pounds. A respectable loss of 12 pounds.
F/28/5'5" [168lbs >156lbs = 12lbs] in just over 8 weeks. No secrets just working out hard and eating clean!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Reddit User's Success Story

The Reddit user, lindsayloulane, went from 168lbs to 156lbs in just over 8 weeks by following a simple formula of hard work and clean eating. There are no secrets in her journey but a lot of dedication to her regimen of working out and eating properly.

Workout Plan

To achieve her results, she mixed up her workout routine with Zumba classes, Cardio Mix classes, Body Pump, Spin classes, bootcamp classes, running, playing football, yoga, occasionally doing CrossFit, etc. To see her results, she had to put in 1-2 hours per day in working out 5-6 days a week.

Clean Eating

Regarding food, she sticks to 1200-1400 calories per day but enjoys a balanced diet. LOTS of vegetables and the 'bad' stuff in moderation is her philosophy. She is fond of cooking and shares her favorite healthy recipes on her website – For example, she made pan-fried salmon (4.5 oz) with roasted squash/zucchini (2 cups) and black beans (1/3 cup) for one of her recent dinners.

Tips and Advice

She advised people who want to lose weight to try what works for them, since different people respond differently to exercise and diet. She also mentioned that people should not deprive themselves of the 'bad' stuff entirely but eat them moderately in their lifestyle. Lastly, she recommends incorporating a fitness and diet-centric community that can help and motivate users.


The Reddit user's success story proves that hard work and clean eating are the keys to losing weight. A dedicated workout routine, a balanced diet, and determination are essential components for making progress in weight loss. Everyone responds differently to exercise and diet, so she encourages experimentation to find what works best for an individual. Check out her website for healthy meal ideas and inspiration!

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.