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Bodybuilding Results: a Two Year Journey From 240Lbs to 175Lbs

This scientific article reports on a Reddit user's two-year weight loss journey from 240lbs to 175lbs. Get tips on muscle building, calorie intake, and supplements.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 6'1" man showing a fat loss from 240 pounds to 180 pounds. A respectable loss of 60 pounds.
M/23/6'1"[240lbs > 180lbs > 175lbs] (2 years) A year not knowing what I was doing, and a year of Bodybuilding.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

At the age of 23, Reddit user Jechs began his weight loss journey weighing in at 240lbs. In two years, he lost 65lbs, reaching a low of 175lbs. His transformation was the result of a year of figuring things out and a year spent bodybuilding. In this article, we'll be sharing some of his tips and tricks about muscle building, calorie intake, and supplements that led to his success.

Losing the Weight

Jechs started initially by eating way too little and doing tons of cardio. He dropped weight fast but also lost a lot of muscle, which he later wanted to try and regain. After a year of losing weight and not knowing much about diet and exercise, he shifted his focus to bodybuilding to acquire muscle and lose the fat. He boosted his caloric intake and alternated between bulk and cut cycles while lifting weights heavily.

Bulking the Right Way

When bulking, Jechs ate 1g-1.5g of protein per pound of body weight, mostly from chicken. He also preferred lean ground beef for dinner for the casein protein characteristic of beef. He consumed rice, plain baked potatoes, and bread to fulfill his carb and fat needs. He also took a protein powder to hit his goal if he couldn't stomach all the chicken.


Jechs took a daily Animal Pak multivitamin pack, Fish Oil three times a day, preworkout supplements like C4, Assault, and N.O. Explode, and creatine powder before bed. He points out that using a protein powder wasn't necessary while cutting so he didn't take one.

Fitness Routines

Jechs started with a pretty tame Push-Pull-Legs split that focused on doing one exercise per individual muscle group in that category. Now, he does a two muscle group a day/6 day a week schedule with 4-5 different lifts per muscle group to grow and maintain his muscles uniformly. He spends about 30-40 minutes in the gym, with cardio lasting longer on days when he works out with a friend. His goal is to put on another ~10 or pounds of muscle, especially in his chest, back, and tris.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.