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How One Reddit User Lost 28.8 Lbs in a Year and Overcame the Plateau

A M/21/5'9" went from 173.8 lbs to 145 lbs with a mix of diet and exercise. After hitting a plateau, the Reddit community offered advice on weightlifting, changing up workouts, and nutrition planning.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'9" man showing a fat loss from 173 pounds to 145 pounds. A respectable loss of 28 pounds.
M/21/5'9" [173.8 > 145.0 = 28.8 lbs] (1 year) Some good progress but hit a LONG plateau. Any recommendations for next steps?
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Overcoming the plateau when trying to lose weight can be a frustrating experience. For one M/21/5'9" Reddit user, it took a year and a lot of hard work to see results.

A Mix Of Diet And Exercise

The user went from 173.8 lbs to 145 lbs with a mix of diet and exercise. The user started by doing weight training three times a week and cardio three times a week. The diet consisted of lean proteins, tons of veggies, two fruit a day, and oats in the morning. Cheat meals were had every ten days or so. This helped the user go from 30% body fat to about 20% body fat.

The Plateau

After phase one, things got a little messy for the Reddit user. The user had to go on a vegan diet due to travels and take weight training out of the equation. With little protein in the diet and no workout for the muscles, the user's body fat stagnated and even went up a little. However, weight continued to drop, and by early May, the user weighed about 139 lbs.

Reddit Community's Advice

The user then turned to the Reddit community to overcome the plateau. The community suggested weightlifting, changing up workouts, monitoring nutrition planning, and avoiding fast food and pop. The user also focused on weight training in the gym while walking around the city as cardio. Diet focused on 40/40/20 macros and allowed for a cheat meal every two weeks.


Through dedication, hard work, and the help of the Reddit community, GOAT_IN_MY_ANUS was able to overcome the plateau and continue to see progress. Trying out different workout routines, adjusting diets, and finding a supportive community can all help on the journey to better health and fitness.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.