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F/28/5’4” [240 > 165 = 75 Lbs] Weight Loss Journey: From Self Doubt to Confidence

Read about a Reddit user’s amazing weight loss journey which resulted in a 75-pound weight loss and a newfound confidence.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a weight cut from 240 pounds to 165 pounds. A net loss of 75 pounds.
F/28/5’4” [240 > 165 = 75 lbs] Excited to wear a bathing suit for the first time in my life. Still have a long way to go, but man, this confidence is intoxicating.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


A Reddit user named melissakate8 recently shared her weight loss journey and progress pictures that elicited a lot of positive reactions. After losing 75 pounds in 13 months, she feels excited to wear a bathing suit for the first time in her life. Her story serves as an inspiration to anyone looking to start a weight loss journey.

The How: Diet and Exercise

Melissakate8 shared that she maintained a daily calorie intake of 1300-1600 kcal, with one “cheat” meal per week. Her average daily calorie intake for a week was approximately 1650-1800 kcal. She also engaged in strength training 4-5 times a week for 25-50 minutes and did cardio exercise for at least 45 minutes, 3 times a week. Walking her dogs for 1-2 miles, 2-4 times every week also helped her attain this amazing transformation.

Encouragement for Similar Journeys

Melissakate8’s story showcases that with discipline, determination, and support, losing a significant amount of weight is achievable. Her journey is an inspiration, and anyone looking to start their weight loss journey can learn from her experience. Remember that every weight loss journey is unique, and individual variation applies to each case.

Beyond the Physical - The Mental Transformation

Melissakate8’s weight loss journey highlights how losing weight can positively impact a person’s mental health. She talks about the confidence that comes with this transformation and how it is intoxicating. Her new-found body positivity and self-love serve as inspiration and motivation for anyone who might be struggling with similar issues.


Melissakate8’s story is a glimpse of hope, a story of self-love, and an inspiration to anyone looking to start their weight loss journey. Her dedication, hard work, and discipline have resulted in an incredible physical transformation, coupled with renewed mental health. This story is a reminder that change is possible with the right mindset, support, and resources. Anyone looking to start their weight loss journey should be encouraged by Melissakate8’s story and inspired to try things out on their own.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.