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How This Reddit User Lost 13Lbs in 1.5 Months Without Noticing

Read about how Reddit user [deleted] lost 13lbs in just 1.5 months without even realizing a difference until comparing pictures. Learn about their weight loss journey and tips for others looking to do the same.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'8" woman showing a fat loss from 180 pounds to 167 pounds. A total loss of 13 pounds.
F/25/5’8” [180lbs > 167lbs = 13lbs] (1.5 months) wasn’t noticing a difference until I compared pics!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight can be a difficult journey, but Reddit user [deleted] has shared their inspiring story of losing 13lbs in just 1.5 months. They didn't even notice the difference until they compared pictures, proving that small changes can lead to big results over time.

Their Weight Loss Journey

To lose weight, [deleted] made small changes to their diet and exercise routine. They started tracking their calorie intake using an app, and also incorporated more vegetables and protein into their meals. In terms of exercise, they increased their daily steps and also started taking a yoga class twice a week.

Tips for Others

While everyone's weight loss journey is different, [deleted] offered some tips for others looking to lose weight. They recommend tracking your calories, finding a form of exercise that you enjoy, and making small changes over time rather than trying to drastically change everything at once. They also emphasized the importance of consistency over perfection.

Celebrating Small Wins

One of the biggest takeaways from [deleted]'s weight loss journey is the importance of celebrating small wins along the way. By taking pictures and comparing them over time, [deleted] was able to see the progress they were making and stay motivated to continue on their journey. Whether it's fitting into a pair of pants that used to be too tight or seeing a decrease in the number on the scale, celebrating these small wins can help to keep you on track and motivated towards your ultimate goal.


Weight loss is a journey that requires patience and dedication, but small changes over time can lead to big results. By tracking your calories, finding a form of exercise that you enjoy, and celebrating small wins along the way, you can achieve your weight loss goals just like Reddit user [deleted]. Remember to be kind to yourself and enjoy the journey, as lasting change takes time and effort.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.