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Amazing 2.5 Year Full Body Recomp Journey: From 135Lbs to 135Lbs

A 29-year-old reddit user u/genuinegarlic shares how she transformed her physique through powerlifting rather than bodybuilding.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 5'7" female showing a snapshot of 135 pounds at a height of 5'7
F/29/5’7” [135lbs<135lbs=0lbs] 2.5 years full body recomp
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

Genuinegarlic's two and a half years full-body recomp journey is awe-inspiring. She transformed her physique through powerlifting rather than bodybuilding. Her journey started when she entered a powerlifting meet in late 2019, after which she stopped caring about her physique and started bulking up intentionally. Her bulking phase continued throughout 2020 without any macro or calorie tracking.

From early 2021, she started working with a nutrition coach to drop ten pounds for her third powerlifting meet. For her fourth meet, she decided to break some state records and cut another 15lbs. She also allowed herself to eat out during this period, which she didn't do much while cutting a weight class. Three weeks ago, she broke eight state records in total, and now she's counting on maintaining her current weight.

Genuinegarlic's Workout Routine

In the comments section, Genuinegarlic shares that she has a powerlifting coach who programs her four days per week. She squats twice per week, deadlifts once per week, and benches three times per week. She also adds corrective accessories targeting her weaknesses.

Genuinegarlic's Diet

Further, she mentions that her diet is flexible and allows her to eat out while maintaining her physical goals. She counts her macros and prioritizes protein and carbs with moderate-fat. She eats foods that make her feel good, like rice, chicken, veggies, oats, yogurt, and eggs while allowing herself treats daily.


Genuinegarlic's journey portrays that powerlifting can help individuals in their journeys to physique transformations. It also shows the importance of having a good coach and a balanced diet. Her journey is a testament to how being consistent in your workouts and allowing yourself flexibility in your diet can help you achieve your fitness goals. We encourage readers to try out Genuinegarlic's approach and experiment to find what works best for them.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.