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A Woman’s Journey to Shedding 9 Pounds in 4 Months

Read about how a 30-year-old woman lost 9 pounds and dropped from 144 lbs to 135 lbs in a span of 4 months by sticking to her diet and exercising regularly.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'5" woman showing a weight cut from 144 pounds to 135 pounds. A total loss of 9 pounds.
F/30/5’5” [144 lbs > 135 lbs = 9 lbs] Started at 150 in February NSFW
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is a journey and not just a numbers game. One reddit user posted her journey of shedding 9 pounds in 4 months, which is inspiring for many who want to lose weight.

Starting Point

The user nicknamed [deleted] weighed 150 lbs in February and started her weight loss journey with a target of losing 15-20 pounds. By cutting carbs, tracking her calories on an app, and doing cardio regularly, she lost 6 pounds in the first 2 months.

Steady Progress

After the initial loss, the user continued her regimen and started weight lifting in addition to cardio. She emphasized the importance of taking progress pictures and getting a tape measure to track overall body shape, not just weight. By May, she lost another 3 pounds, totaling 9 pounds of weight loss.

Tips for Success

The user attributed her success to dedication, consistency, and balance. She allowed herself occasional cheats while sticking to her overall diet plan. She also emphasized the importance of finding an exercise routine that one enjoys, as that leads to better compliance in the long run.


The journey to weight loss may not be easy, but with consistency and dedication, anyone can succeed. Tracking calories, balancing exercise and diet, and allowing occasional treats can make the journey less daunting. As shown by [deleted]'s journey, it’s not just the numbers on the scale that matter, but how one feels and the overall progress made.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.