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A Journey From 155Lbs to 175Lbs Within 8 Months

This article follows Cutter1998's journey to put on 20lbs in 8 months after getting mild myocarditis, focusing on his workout routine and progress.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight gain from 155 pounds to 175 pounds. A respectable gain of 20 pounds.
M/23/6'0" [155lbs > 175lbs = 20lbs] (8 months) Current weight is a bit of a guesstimate because I stopped weighing myself a few weeks ago. I was in the hospital with mild myocarditis and remember taking the picture and thinking f*** I really need to put some weight on...
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Cutter1998, a 23-year-old male, documented his weight gain journey on Reddit, where he posted about how he gained 20lbs in 8 months, going from 155lbs to 175lbs. Apart from focusing on his progress, his post also mentions a recent hospitalization due to mild myocarditis, which inspired him to put on some weight. This article will delve into his workout routine and progress, highlighting his achievement.

The Workout Routine

The primary workout routine for Cutter1998 was calisthenics during lockdown sessions, which consisted of pullups, pushups, and dips, with the addition of squat jumps occasionally. Upon return to the gym, he focused more on lower body exercises. Calisthenics workouts are effective for building strength and muscle without the need for gym equipment. Interestingly, the absence of gym machines did not prevent him from achieving his weight gain goals.

20lbs in 8 Months

Cutter1998 put on 20lbs in eight months, a notable success considering he did it without resorting to supplements or other shortcuts. His dedication and determination paid off, as he now stands in a better shape with a more muscular frame. During his journey, he had some mild chest pain, and as a result, he was hospitalized for testing. Upon his discharge, he started his fitness journey, and it has been a remarkable journey so far.

Comments And Compliments

The Reddit post has over 100 upvotes and some comments complimenting Cutter1998 on his progress. Some commenters also inquired about his workout routine, whereby he replied that it mostly involved calisthenics during lockdown months and lower body exercises after returning to the gym. He also confirmed that he did not follow any specific diet plan but stressed that he kept his protein intake high.


Gaining 20lbs in 8 months is a significant achievement that deserves acknowledging, and Cutter1998 did so by documenting his weight gain journey on Reddit. His progress reveals that with dedication and consistency, anyone can achieve similar results. His workout routine, which primarily involved calisthenics and an emphasis on protein intake, inspires others to try things out for themselves. With discipline and consistency, anyone can achieve their fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.