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How Noom Helped This Reddit User Lose 22 Pounds in 10 Weeks

Read about how a Reddit user lost 22 pounds in 10 weeks using Noom and built a new gym routine in addition to a healthy eating regimen.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A before and after photo of a 5'2" female showing a weight reduction from 144 pounds to 122 pounds. A total loss of 22 pounds.
F/28/5'2" [144 lbs > 122 lbs = 22lbs] (10 weeks) Started doing Noom on June 1st. I feel like a new woman! Next step: build up a little more muscle.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user's remarkable journey of losing 22 pounds in 10 weeks has been the talk of the subreddit pages, all thanks to the Noom health app. The user went through the program and found success, as she shares her daily meal plan that kept her within her caloric intake limit of 1200 calories. Her before and after images speak volume of her progress, as she now aims to build more muscle with her new nutrition plan.

About Noom

Noom is a popular health app that purports to help people achieve their weight loss goals through behavioral changes, dietary discipline, and regular workout regimens. The app primarily focuses on guiding users on food choices, emotional eating, and exercise activity, and updating them on their total caloric count. The app has garnered a significant number of downloads and has positive reviews from users worldwide.

The Journey and Meal Plan

The Reddit user started on June 1st and followed the Noom app strictly. The user never felt hungry or restricted throughout her journey and was constantly motivated by her daily lessons and mini-tasks essential for her progress. Her meal plan included healthy whole grain toast and chocolate almond butter for breakfast, followed by a low-fat Greek blueberry yogurt for a mid-morning snack. Her lunch consisted of a turkey sandwich on whole-grain bread, along with sweet peppers. Her afternoon snacks included a banana and a Portobello mushroom with pizza sauce and low-fat mozzarella. In the evening, spicy tuna sandwich on a burger bun with pineapple and steamed carrots was her dinner.

Pitfalls of Noom

While the app has its fair share of success stories, some users have reported negative impacts on their health while using Noom. Some have suffered from gallstones or other adverse effects due to the low-calorie intake, raising some concerns about the reasoning behind why some users are asked to stick to such a low count in their daily diet when their body could require more. It is thus, essential that a user should consult with a professional dietician to be sure of their caloric intake.


The Noom app could help you in your journey towards attaining your desired weight loss goals, as it has been successful for many. However, it is essential to listen to your body for a comfortable level of caloric intake as every person is unique. One should also remain consistent in their workout regimen and dietary discipline to achieve their desired results. Remember, the Noom app is not a magic pill but merely your companion throughout your weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.