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M/20/5’10” [192Lbs > 157Lbs > 165Lbs = 27Lbs] 9 Months Weight Loss/Muscle Gain Progress – a Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

Read the inspiring weight journey of notsodarkninja who lost 27lbs in 9 months through diet, weight training and cardio with a complete ab workout routine to achieve his goals

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a fat loss from 192 pounds to 157 pounds. A respectable loss of 35 pounds.
M/20/5'10" [192lbs > 157lbs > 165lbs = 27lbs] (9 months) Weight Loss / Muscle Gain Progress. Gonna continue lean bulking till March 2017 and then cut again.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Notsodarkninja's weight journey can be an inspiration to many. It is a journey towards a healthier lifestyle that is achieved through consistent effort, dedication, and the right exercise and diet routine. For notsodarkninja, weight loss and muscle gain was not just about the physical transformation. It was also about being able to feel better, have more energy and be confident in his own skin.

The Journey

Notsodarkninja started his journey in August 2016 weighing 192lbs, and began with a weight training and healthy eating regimen. He found the progress to be slow and in October 2016, he decided to try Insanity the Asylum for quick results. This helped him shed a lot of fat quickly. Notsodarkninja then started a serious weightlifting routine that helped him gain muscle and abs. He then bulked up with the same routine while still staying on a calorie surplus diet.

The Diet and Exercise Regimen

Notsodarkninja primarily focused on weightlifting, which helped him gain muscle mass. He also added cardio to his regimen and tracked his Macros consistently. This helped him stay on track in his weight loss journey. He suggests that supplementing a targeted diet and cardio plan, along with weight training, will help in losing body fat in a healthy way without losing muscle mass.

The Results

Nine months of consistent effort paid off as notsodarkninja's weight dropped from 192lbs to 157lbs, then increased to 165lbs with a toned physique. Losing 27lbs in 9 months, his body mass index (BMI) reached 22.5. Notsodarkninja's experience shows that getting in shape takes patience, discipline, and hard work. But the benefits gained are surely worth the effort.

Fitness Routine

Notsodarkninja has shared his detailed routine which can be accessed through the routine link provided in the Reddit thread. Not forgetting the importance of ab exercises, he has included a complete ab workout routine in the same link. Do try it out for yourself and see the difference in your body.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.