By Height By Weight  

What does a 48kg, 174cm male look like?

29 curated photos from around the internet to give you a better idea of what a 48 kg man looks like at a height of 174cm

A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a snapshot of 110 pounds at a height of 5'8

Gymnoobie's Weight Gain Journey: From 110Lbs to Bulking

50 Kg
A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight gain from 104 pounds to 140 pounds. A net gain of 36 pounds.

16 Year Old Male Gains 36 Pounds in 12 Months with Heavy Lifting and Proper Nutrition

Weight Before
47 Kg
173 cm
21 / 16
A picture of a 5'9" male showing a muscle gain from 112 pounds to 131 pounds. A respectable gain of 19 pounds.

One Year Journey: Gaining 19Lbs with Caloric Surplus Diet and Calisthenics

Weight Before
51 Kg
175 cm
19 / 17
A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight bulk from 102 pounds to 124 pounds. A net gain of 22 pounds.

Weight Journey: From Severely Underweight to Healthy M/18/5'8 102 124 Lbs in 4.5 Months

Weight Before
46 Kg
173 cm
19 / 16
A progress pic of a 5'8" man showing a weight bulk from 110 pounds to 123 pounds. A net gain of 13 pounds.

Teenage Boy Lost Fat and Gained Muscle: His 13 Month Weight Journey

Weight Before
50 Kg
173 cm
19 / 17
A picture of a 5'8" male showing a weight bulk from 109 pounds to 141 pounds. A net gain of 32 pounds.

From 109Lbs to 141Lbs: a Weight Journey

Weight Before
49 Kg
173 cm
21 / 17
A picture of a 5'9" male showing a weight gain from 110 pounds to 147 pounds. A respectable gain of 37 pounds.

From Hardgainer to Muscle Gainer: a 37 Lb Weight Journey

Weight Before
50 Kg
175 cm
22 / 16
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight gain from 112 pounds to 131 pounds. A total gain of 19 pounds.

From 112Lbs to 131Lbs with Calisthenics: a Weight Journey

Weight Before
51 Kg
175 cm
19 / 17
A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight gain from 108 pounds to 170 pounds. A net gain of 62 pounds.

From Skinny to Ripped: the Inspiring Weight Journey of Gobstompa1

Weight Before
49 Kg
175 cm
25 / 16
A before and after photo of a 5'8" male showing a weight gain from 100 pounds to 175 pounds. A net gain of 75 pounds.

From 100Lbs to 175Lbs: a 5 Year Weight Journey

Weight Before
45 Kg
173 cm
27 / 15
A progress pic of a 5'8" man showing a muscle gain from 100 pounds to 160 pounds. A total gain of 60 pounds.

Teen's Incredible Transformation: Adding 60Lbs of Muscle in 2 Years

Weight Before
45 Kg
173 cm
24 / 15
A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight bulk from 105 pounds to 156 pounds. A net gain of 51 pounds.

Teenage Boy Gains over 50 Pounds of Muscle in a Year Weight Journey

Weight Before
48 Kg
175 cm
23 / 16
A progress pic of a 5'8" man showing a muscle gain from 100 pounds to 143 pounds. A total gain of 43 pounds.

From 100Lbs to 143Lbs in 2 Years: a Reddit User’s Weight Journey

Weight Before
45 Kg
173 cm
22 / 15
A before and after photo of a 5'9" male showing a weight bulk from 100 pounds to 160 pounds. A respectable gain of 60 pounds.

How a 20 Year Old Gained 60 Pounds in 4 Years: a Reddit User's Weight Journey

Weight Before
45 Kg
175 cm
24 / 15
A photo of a 5'9" man showing a weight gain from 110 pounds to 152 pounds. A respectable gain of 42 pounds.

Astonishing 10 Year Weight Transformation: 110Lbs to 152Lbs

Weight Before
50 Kg
173 cm
23 / 17
A before and after photo of a 5'10" male showing a weight bulk from 108 pounds to 180 pounds. A net gain of 72 pounds.

The Weight Journey of a Former Anorexic: From 108 Lbs to 180 Lbs

Weight Before
49 Kg
175 cm
27 / 16