By Height By Weight  

What does a 111kg, 184cm male look like?

353 curated photos from around the internet to give you a better idea of what a 111 kg man looks like at a height of 184cm

A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight loss from 240 pounds to 190 pounds. A respectable loss of 50 pounds.

M/20/6'2 Weight Loss Journey: From 240Lbs. to 190Lbs. in 6 Months

Weight Before
109 Kg
185 cm
25 / 32
A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 240 pounds to 182 pounds. A respectable loss of 58 pounds.

Man's 58Lb Weight Loss Journey: Progress in Just a Year

Weight Before
109 Kg
183 cm
25 / 33
A progress pic of a 6'2" man showing a fat loss from 250 pounds to 190 pounds. A net loss of 60 pounds.

A Weight Loss Journey: Analyzing a Reddit User's Progress

Weight Before
113 Kg
185 cm
25 / 33
A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight reduction from 315 pounds to 245 pounds. A total loss of 70 pounds.

31 Year Old Man Loses 70 Pounds in 16 Months to Achieve a Healthy Bmi

Weight After
111 Kg
183 cm
33 / 43
A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight cut from 240 pounds to 170 pounds. A net loss of 70 pounds.

M/20/6'0" | 240Lbs>170Lbs in 10 Months: a Remarkable Weight Loss Journey by Reddit User Sangrin

Weight Before
109 Kg
183 cm
23 / 33
A picture of a 6'2" male showing a weight loss from 242 pounds to 209 pounds. A respectable loss of 33 pounds.

How One Reddit User Lost Weight: a Journey of Self Discovery

Weight Before
110 Kg
185 cm
28 / 32
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a snapshot of 241 pounds at a height of 6'0

Lebassi's Weight Loss Journey: a Scientific Look at Reddit Posts

109 Kg
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 247 pounds to 187 pounds. A total loss of 60 pounds.

M/28/6'0" How This User Lost 60Lbs in a Year

Weight Before
112 Kg
183 cm
25 / 33
A photo of a 6'2" man showing a weight cut from 240 pounds to 230 pounds. A respectable loss of 10 pounds.

A 36 Year Old Man Lost 10Lbs in 48Hrs Through Fasting

Weight Before
109 Kg
185 cm
31 / 32
A before and after photo of a 6'1" male showing a fat loss from 250 pounds to 182 pounds. A total loss of 68 pounds.

33 Year Old Loses 68 Lbs in 18 Months and Gains Muscle His Inspiring Journey

Weight Before
113 Kg
185 cm
24 / 33
A before and after photo of a 6'0" male showing a muscle gain from 235 pounds to 245 pounds. A net gain of 10 pounds.

From Cutting Down to Stronger: a Weight Journey of 10 Lbs in 4 Months

Weight After
111 Kg
183 cm
33 / 32
A photo of a 6'1" man showing a weight cut from 240 pounds to 170 pounds. A net loss of 70 pounds.

M/18/6'1'' [240 > 170 = 70Lb] a Year Long Weight Loss Journey

Weight Before
109 Kg
185 cm
23 / 32
A photo of a 6'0" man showing a weight cut from 240 pounds to 167 pounds. A respectable loss of 73 pounds.

M/19/6'0" Weight Loss Journey: From 240 to 167 Lbs in 13 Months

Weight Before
109 Kg
183 cm
23 / 33
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 240 pounds to 160 pounds. A net loss of 80 pounds.

M/20/6'0/240Lbs>160: a Success Story of a One Year Weight Loss Journey

Weight Before
109 Kg
183 cm
22 / 33
A photo of a 6'1" man showing a weight cut from 296 pounds to 246 pounds. A respectable loss of 50 pounds.

50 Pounds Down: a Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Weight After
112 Kg
185 cm
33 / 39
A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight cut from 250 pounds to 225 pounds. A respectable loss of 25 pounds.

A Month's Progress: M/18/6'/250>225

Weight Before
113 Kg
183 cm
31 / 34