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One Month Weight Loss Journey From 235 to 215 Lbs

Discover the one-month weight-loss journey of a 30-year-old man who went from 235 to 215 lbs. Learn about his workout routine and diet.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'4" male showing a weight loss from 235 pounds to 215 pounds. A respectable loss of 20 pounds.
M/30/6'4"[235 > 215] (1 MONTH!) Life got busy and my wife cooks really good. I gained some weight and committed to clean eating, lots of rest, and a good workout routine.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Reddit user ViralityFarm shares his informative one-month weight loss journey to inspire others. Through a combination of clean eating, workout routine, and getting lots of rest, he went from weighing 235 lbs to 215 lbs.

The Transformation

ViralityFarm shared photos, sharing his transformed appearance after only one month of dedication. He switched to clean healthy nourishment, feasting at regular intervals and picked one cheat meal per week. He avoids sugary drinks and hydrates with plenty of water. His diet is made up of spinach shakes with protein, egg white omelets, chicken breasts, nuts, tuna, salmon, broccoli, natural peanut butter, protein bars, turkey meat, and berries.

The Workout Routine

ViralityFarm’s workout routine began with daily core strengthening exercises that included planks, side planks, chest raises, and crunches. After a few weeks, he ramped up to a more intense exercise regimen. His routine consisted of cardio running for 30-45 minutes on Tuesdays, and 30-35 minutes on Thursdays. On Mondays, ViralityFarm does push-ups, pull-ups, bent-over dumbbell rows while standing on one foot and planks. On Wednesdays, he performs wall sits, lunges, step-ups, and planks. Fridays are for dumbbell curls, dips, and burpees followed by protein consumption.

The Results

Through following such practices and intense workouts, ViralityFarm lost 20 lbs and gained chin definition within only one month. He explained that those few weeks of dedication and perseverance enabled him to resize his overall physique, leading him to a healthier lifestyle. His transformation serves as an inspiration that others can follow to attain their own weight loss goals.


This one-month weight loss journey portrays that consistency is key when it comes to leading a healthy life. Building consistent eating habits, restful sleep, and workout routines allows individuals to attain their dream body goals. Encourage yourself to start your weight loss journey by incorporating similar healthy facilities like ViralityFarm's, build up your routine to achieve an active lifestyle gradually. With constant progress, changes, and a perseverant attitude, you too can transform yourself.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.