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From 190Lbs to 150Lbs: a User's Weight Loss Journey

Read about a Reddit user's inspiring weight loss journey from 190lbs to 150lbs in this article. Learn about their strategies for success and try them for yourself.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'8" woman showing a weight cut from 190 pounds to 150 pounds. A respectable loss of 40 pounds.
f/23/5'8'' [~190lbs -> 150lbs = 40lbs] Same shorts, different body.
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


One Reddit user has shared their incredible weight loss journey, going from 190lbs to 150lbs. This journey serves as an inspiration for those looking to lose weight and embark on a healthier lifestyle.

Strategies for success

The user attributes their success to a combination of a calorie deficit achieved through tracking their food intake and exercise. They report doing high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts and weightlifting 4-5 times per week. Additionally, they cut out processed and fast food from their diet, opting for whole foods.

Challenges and setbacks

The user faced challenges and setbacks during their weight loss journey, but persevered through them. They confess to having skipped workouts and indulging in unhealthy foods, but remind themselves that it's a journey, not a race. They also find support in online communities like Reddit, where they can find motivation and share their experiences with others.

Importance of consistency

The user emphasizes the importance of consistency in achieving weight loss goals. It's not just about what you do for a week or a month, but what you do consistently over time. They recommend finding activities and foods that you enjoy and can maintain in the long term.


This user's weight loss journey serves as a testament to the power of dedication and consistency in achieving one's goals. By tracking their food intake, prioritizing exercise, and cutting out processed foods, they were able to lose 40lbs and achieve a healthier lifestyle. Their strategies for success and insights into the importance of consistency can serve as a helpful guide for those looking to make their own weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.