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How Insanity, Walking and a Healthy Diet Led to a 38 Pound Weight Loss in 6 Months

This Reddit user lost 38 pounds in 6 months through a combination of Insanity workouts, walking, and a healthy diet. Discover the details of his routine.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A picture of a 6'0" male showing a weight loss from 225 pounds to 187 pounds. A respectable loss of 38 pounds.
M/26/6'0 [~225 > 187 = 38] (6 months exactly) - slimmed down now hitting the weights again
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Weight loss journeys can seem daunting but the story of Reddit user insanity_throwaway proves that it can be done with the right combination of exercise and diet. He shared his six months journey in a Reddit post, detailing the changes he made that saw him go from weighing 225 to 187 pounds.

Routine and Diet Changes

The Reddit user began by engaging in Insanity workouts for 60 days, which was followed by running 2 miles about 3-4 times per week. He also switched up his diet plan by cutting soft drinks, eating more lean protein, and reducing his fast food intake to once a week. He started taking about 2-4 miles walks with his dog daily, which he has been doing ever since. Recently he also began using a Fitbit and MFP to monitor his progress.

Weight Training

After slimming down the Reddit user started weight training. He has a routine of chest/triceps, legs, and back/biceps twice a week with a rest day usually on Sunday. In addition, he does an elliptical machine every day for 30 minutes at level 10. For his main meals, he indulges in grilled chicken, grilled turkey burgers, and Boars Head deli meats. He also consumes a lot of salads, fresh fruit, and nuts. He takes a multivitamin, fish oil, vitamin D and also has a post-workout GNC AMP Wheybolic Extreme 60 Power shake.

Results and Conclusion

The results of his diligent efforts over six months are incredible. He went from 225 to 187 lbs, losing a considerable 38 pounds, and is now fit and healthy again. These results demonstrate that anyone can achieve their weight loss goals with the right combination of exercise, a healthy diet, and supplements. However, it’s important to note that everyone is different and what worked for him may not necessarily work for someone else. The key is to try different routines and diets and find what works best for you.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, insanity_throwaway’s journey shows how a combination of Insanity workouts, walking, diet changes, weight training, and supplements can lead to a drastic change in just six months. If you're on a weight loss journey, his story should inspire and motivate you to keep pushing yourself. Finally, choosing what to eat and how to exercise is personal, so find what works for you, and more importantly, always maintain a healthy lifestyle beyond the weight loss journey.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.