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From 220 to 170: a Two Year Journey of Reducing Weight

Learn how a Reddit user lost 50 pounds in 24 months using strength training, calorie deficit, and intense cardio.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
A progress pic of a 5'10" man showing a weight reduction from 220 pounds to 170 pounds. A total loss of 50 pounds.
M/23/5'10'' [220 > 170 = 50](24 Months ~) From Triple Chins to Collar bones
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


Losing weight is an arduous journey that takes a lot of time and effort. However, it is not impossible to achieve. One Reddit user, wh40k_Junkie, shared his two-year journey of reducing weight that inspired others to start their weight loss journey.

The Journey

Wh40k_Junkie started his weight loss journey by going to the gym everyday with his roommate to do strength training. This helped him lose the first 10 pounds. However, he later developed an eating disorder that led him to run a calorie deficit for the next four years, mostly by drinking more water and reducing his portions.

The Imperial Assassin's Regiment

Wh40k_Junkie incorporated intense, short bursts of cardio into his workout routine, which he named the "Imperial Assassin's Regiment." His workout plan is inspired by how he imagines they train assassins in Warhammer 40k, but without the drug and murder stuff. This helped him achieve a leaner look instead of a bulky one.

Reintroducing the Second Meal

Wh40k_Junkie has started to reintroduce a second meal to his day but still mostly runs on coffee, cigarettes, and tea during the day. He only eats one square meal a day, and when traveling, he eats three meals a day to avoid running out of energy in a foreign country.


Wh40k_Junkie's journey shows that losing weight is not about following a strict diet plan or a particular workout routine but more about consistency and dedication. What worked for him may not work for everyone else, but everyone can find their own ways to reduce weight through healthy diet, proper exercise, and lifestyle changes. With perseverance and patience, anyone can achieve their desired body weight and fitness goals.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.