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From 212 to 179 in 6 Months: a Reddit User's Weight Loss Journey

Read about a Reddit user's weight loss journey from 212 to 179 pounds in 6 months and his determination to cut out excuses and reach his goal of getting abs.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 6'1" man showing a weight cut from 212 pounds to 179 pounds. A respectable loss of 33 pounds.
M/21/6'1'' [212>179 =33lbs] (6 months). I relapsed when school started and gained 15lbs, but I finally got serious and cut out the excuses. How long until I get abs?
Originally posted on /r/progresspics

The Start of the Journey

The Reddit user [deleted] shared his weight loss journey with a post showing his transformation from 212 to 179 pounds in just six months. He started his journey with a goal to get in shape and achieve abs. The user's post received 113 upvotes and several comments from people congratulating him on his achievement.

Facing Setbacks and Challenges

Despite reaching his goal, the user mentioned how he gained 15 pounds after relapsing due to school stress. However, he got serious and found ways to cut out excuses, which implies that determination is key to success. He did not let setbacks hinder his progress and got back on track.

The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle

One takeaway from the user's weight loss journey is the importance of a healthy lifestyle. According to several studies, developing a healthy lifestyle is crucial in maintaining one's weight and improving overall health. Eating a balanced diet, staying active, and getting enough rest are some of the key elements of a healthy lifestyle, which can positively impact mental and physical health.

The Timeframe to Get Abs

In his post, the Reddit user also asked how long it would take him to get abs. While there's no exact timeframe to achieve abs, it entirely depends on the individual's body fat percentage, genetics, and workout routine. Experts suggest that regular cardio exercise and a healthy diet with fewer calories are essential to achieve visible abs over time. It's important to note that getting abs is not easy, and a strong will with consistent effort is required.


The Reddit user's weight loss journey proves that it's possible to achieve significant results with dedication and consistency. His journey also highlights the importance of leading a healthy lifestyle and not giving up on your goals even when facing setbacks. Anyone can achieve similar successes by adopting a healthy lifestyle and finding an exercise routine that suits their preferences.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.