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Overcoming Health Issues to Shed 55Lbs in 3 Months: the Success Story of Naturallyperfect

Read about NaturallyPerfect's inspiring journey towards losing 55lbs in 3 months despite underlying health issues.

Article by Madeleine Smith

A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 135 pounds. A net loss of 55 pounds.
A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 135 pounds. A net loss of 55 pounds.
A photo of a 5'4" woman showing a fat loss from 190 pounds to 135 pounds. A net loss of 55 pounds.
F/19/5'4 [190lbs > 135lbs = 55lbs] (3 months) Happy and Healthy!
Originally posted on /r/progresspics


NaturallyPerfect is a Reddit user who has shared her weight loss journey with the r/progresspics community. She lost a remarkable 55lbs in just 3 months, going from 190lbs to 135lbs. Although her transformation is truly impressive, what makes her story truly inspiring is the fact that she achieved this despite battling with multiple health issues.

The Struggle with Health Issues

According to her Reddit post, NaturallyPerfect's weight loss wasn't by choice. She developed gallstones which led to multiple stomach problems and resulted in severe pain that made it impossible for her to eat. Unfortunately, this wasn't a short-term issue as she had to endure it for almost a year. Due to her condition, her body rapidly shed the unwanted pounds. She eventually had her gallbladder removed, but her journey was far from over.

The Road to Recovery

Although the surgery helped her condition, she still had a long way to go. NaturallyPerfect was diligent in maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen. This helped her immensely with her overall wellbeing, and she found that she was making steady progress. Despite experiencing many setbacks and continuous recovery, she remained focused on her goal to become healthy and happy.

The Power of Focus and Determination

At the end of it all, NaturallyPerfect was able to overcome the daunting challenges and emerge victorious. She looks amazing, and her remarkable transformation is a testimony to the power of focus and determination. Her story is a shining example of how it's possible to achieve anything if we remain focused and dedicated to our goals.


NaturallyPerfect's story is one among many showcasing the struggles and triumphs of weight loss journeys. Her self-discipline and perseverance in the face of her health obstacles have reinforced the idea that anyone can attain their goals. Whether its support from the online community or relying on one's inner strength, progress is achievable. If you have aspirations to improve your overall wellbeing and health, read NaturallyPerfect's story for inspiration and consider formulating your path towards a healthier, happier you.

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Madeleine Smith

Content Lead at

Madeleine is passionate about empowering individuals with the information and tools they need to transform their bodies and lives.